Trying 69!

Hey my boyfriend wants to try 69 and I need advice…we have been going out for about 15 months and we have been having sex for 4 months but have been having oral sex for almost 12 months (we’re 14) but we were talking and we both want to pretty much try everything except for anal (thank god) but he asked me resently if I was ready to try 69 and I said ya but he wont do it until hes sure I am ready so I need some advice on how to do it the best I can and on how to not be so nervous about it

Answer #1

well at least he respects you and will not do it unless you feel ready. ask yourself are you ready? you are only 14, so you are in a sexual relationship at such a young age. but like you said, you have already done a lot of things for many months, so fair enough.

69 is not hard, it is just getting comfortable, it can be quite uncomfy and there can be some mess ups, like kicking each other in the face, lol, anyway, you give him oral and he gives you oral at the same time, if you take longer to orgasm then be slower with him or vice versa. it’s best to try and orgasm around the same time. just talk about it with him and make sure you both feel comfortable. but like I said he obviously respects you. =)

Answer #2

Hey, contact me directly and I will walk you thru it!…really, just like it sounds, you need to be natural about it and not force each other…i KNOW you guys will figure it out once you just start doing it!…

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Sex education, Intimacy, Relationship advice