What are the truest conspiracy theories?

I’ve heard about them, are they true?

Answer #1

That’s a short question that begs a long, complex answer. What makes them conspiracy theories is the fact that they lack solid evidence. I don’t know that we could say any of them are true. A lot of people believe in certain throries, but for the most part they haven’t been proven. I guess some of them are more believable than others, but that doesn’t make them any more true.

Answer #2

Here are a few once universally denounced conspiracy “theories” that are now generally regarded as fact… no longer challenged by the establishment.

Cosa Nostra… The Italian Mafia. Throughout the first half of the last century… the government adamantly denied the existence of this crime syndicate. Seems absurd today that there was ever a time when it was in the rubric of conspiacy theory.

MKUltra… Mind Kontrol. Perhaps still dismissed by the unenlightened… the government has since admitted its role in the research and development of LSD as a truth serum under the guidance of Dr. Sidney Gottlieb in the 1950s and 60s.

The Tuskegee Experiment. This was the secret study of syphilis infected black men in Tuskegee Alabama between 1932 and 1972. During the four decades the study was performed ostensibly as a means for the poor men to receive health care. I am not convinced the true measre of the conspiracy has been admitted to… but the fact that it ever took place was once unanimously denied by US officials.

The privately owned Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve has the veneer of government auspices. The board of Governors is appointed by the President, but the board and chairman are not accountable to the executive nor any other branch of government. The stock is privately held by member banks. The charter was written by a consortium of national and international bankers in Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1910, first introduced by Senator Nelson Aldrich following banking panics attributed to the same bankers. In an article for The Saturday Evening Post, attending banker, Frank Vanderlip admitted the role played by supposed competing banks in forming the Fed. The government, banks, and complicit media have encouraged the misconception that the Federal Reserve was actually a federal entity. Slowly but surely, the misconception has been waning as alternate media sources have found the venues to get the truth out.

Who still believes Oswald killed Kennedy because he was a Castro sympathizer?

In my opinion, the 9/11 Al Qaeda house of cards will soon be razed for reasons I have offered at numerous threads here. No one denies conspiracies occur… the US government’s Zelikow Commission has framed 9/11 as a conspiracy by Bin Laden and his Taliban cohorts. Many people have found fault in the Zelikow Commissions integrity to investigate… including 6 of the 10 commissioners. The government’s account concerning 9/11 is only a conspiracy theory. One that makes much less sense considering who benefited. Why would a group of third world troglodytes wish to bring the ire of the world’s largest superpower upon them? It didn’t work out well for them.

I think some people dismiss alternate theories out of the faith they have in the verity a government stamp of approval holds. This is subjective. The same people who have complete faith in the US government would probably have little pause considering the Soviet Pravda a propaganda tool.

Are they true? Really… you just have to do the research and see for yourself. I have my opinion. I consider it an educated opinion… but I may be mistaken as well as anyone else. The deeper you delve into the subject matter… the better honed you will be to sniff out the false leads.

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