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I’m not sure what you mean when you say waves, but if its not painful I wouldn’t worry to much, buy yourself a tongue scraper you will be surprised,how dirty a tongue is.
That’s what i mean if it will show up. It’s not painful it’s jutm weird,. Dx
Looks fine to me hunxxx
LOLOL okay thanks. :D
It means your dehydrated!
Not bad dehydrated just drink more liquids!
Nooooooo it’s alwys like that/
Hun my moms a nurse so Id no
This can't be that bad of a name... - 2 Answers
T are U Because True Isabella Summer is Forest Whitaker's daughter
is cold weather bad for a glass vase? - 1 Answers
is it bad to leave something like a glass vase out in the winter..would it crack the glass
Is this a bad omen? - 5 Answers
I had a dream last night about me going to the beach with the people from my class and there was a huge wave and we died. I'm...
How will my altima coupe handle badly with 20" wheels? - 1 Answers
I want to change from 17" to 20" wheels on my altima coupe. Will it handle badly?
When things go bad - 1 Answers
Why is it when things go bad we look to the sky or always want to to fly or somehting instead of useing what we were given an...
Why do I feel like a bad person? - 1 Answers
I always make fun of people? I mean a lot of people say im nice but I dont. Please tell me what to do to find out if im a bad...
Why in england people drive cars on the left side. - 5 Answers
Why in england people drive cars on the left side any answer is welcome thank you.
is this winter going to be really bad? - 3 Answers
I heard when cob webs are big and everything its going to be bad
How do I stop my bad habit? - 4 Answers
I have the bad habit of taking off the little plastic ring from a water bottle and chewing on them. its kinda annoyingg... D...
What a bad way to go home - 3 Answers
Ok,today after leaving the haircut place my mom gets nearly tail-gated by some dude,he honks at my mom so she could drive on ...
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