totally screwed

ok so I know two girls right. these two particular girls like eachother [not in a sexual way]. I am pretty confident I could get either as my girlfriend. but if I went out with either of them the other one wouldnt like me anymore. what the hell do I do?

Answer #1

I guess I really dont know who I want really.

Answer #2

Just don’t make a decision to you’re sure you pick the girl you would rather be with. Either way if they both like you there will be problems you just gotta go for it and see how it works out.

Answer #3

Why are you worried so much about what the girls think. If they’re nice they won’t care if you like one or the other. And besides, you don’t seem like you’ve decided who you want. If you’re only going out with them because you think you can get them, then don’t. It’s not right to do that and risk any chance of breaking up the friendship between them two because you want to mess around with one. Don’t take me the wrong way. But that’s how I reacted when I read “but if I went out with either of them the other one wouldnt like me anymore”

Answer #4

yu don’t know what will happen and if yu have a girlfriend yu shouldnt care if someone else likes yu

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