Does the imaginary world exist?

the imaginary world exist?

Answer #1

Only in your head - best to snap back to reality brfore it passes you by :-)

Answer #2

“Does the imaginary world exist?”


imaginary world

“Atlantis” by Lloyd K. Townsend: Atlantis, described by Plato, was imagined by him as an exemplary setting An imaginary world is a setting, place or event or scenario at variance with objective reality, ranging from the voluntary suspension of disbelief of fictional universes and the socially constructed consensus reality of the “Social Imaginary”, to alternate realities resulting from disinformation, misinformation or imaginative speculation, and the subjective universe of altered states of consciousness, psychosis or dream sleep.

Imaginary worlds have been the subject of cosmological and philosophical speculation since ancient times.

  The answer is sometimes yes and sometimes no.

Sometimes imaginary things are created by parents and society to benefit or protect children. Sometimes by members of society to protect, uplift and give positive benefit to the lives of the society’s members.

Often when science can’t explain something it uses the imagination of man to provide answers. Sometimes those answers turn out to be true, sometimes false.

There’s an old adage: “What the mind of man can conceive [imagine], it can achieve.” Imagination is what has given the world most of the things that exist therein.

Answer #3

of course it does. I am in fact, a pixie, my mum is a mermaid, and my dad is a vampire

Answer #4

Yes!!! there is its called where the aliens live now… these aliens are real. and they live there we are not the only world where life exist I hope you know this lol.

Answer #5

probably you could consider any fictional book the imaginary world - I like to think I become part of the story when I’m reading

Answer #6

The imaginary world, is just that, imaginary, however, the spiritual world is very real. We see the results of it all around us, if our eyes have been opened to it.

And by the way, the imaginary is designed by the enemy of our souls, to confuse the truth.

He desires to throw in all kinds of things, just to muddy the waters.

The truth of the matter is that there are two kingdoms fighting for supremacy, and humans are the ones in the middle.

We have to decide at some point, which side we will serve on.

The Kingdom of Light. God, Jesus & the Holy Spirit.


The Kingdom of Dark. Satan and his hierachy of fallen angels, turned demons.

We can be oblivious, and ride the fence, but, we could end up being a casualty.

Today is the day of salvation.

Answer #7


Answer #8

the imaginary sometimes exist only when a person has no explanation for why or how things happen, or they need to explain to theri children some thing beyond the child’s understand. then their are those who take advantage of this imagery and use it for other purposes.

Answer #9

Do you mean “Does the imaginary world exist?”

Answer #10

Yes, its called the afterlife!

Answer #11

I dunno… I think it does I mean im sure god didnt only make this the only world…

Answer #12


Answer #13


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