The Bible?

I’ve studied the Bible and while some of the stories are good morality tales and others are flat out outragest laws and claims, I still dont understand how people can devote there whole lifes to it. Christians say its the word of God yet we all seen to agree it was wrtten by man, So how do you know what was souppost to be God’s word and what may have been manipulated by the man writting or the many translations?

There some that say that every word of the bible is the word of God. to you dose this mean you beat your kids with rods and have nothing to do with your wifes and daughters during a period? What about killing any man with long hair?

Others seem to say that some of it is litteral and some is figuritve. For those, how do youi know wich is wich?

We have seen how stories over the years can evolve into amasing stories that hardly accout what realy happened, isn’t it possable that that is what happen with many things in the bible?

For anyone that bases their faith in on the bible, How do you do that with no colaberation?

This isn’t in spite or anything just want to know how people can accept the bible just like that.

Answer #1

Most people don’t even know the history of the Bible, how it was assembled and how it has been translated into various languages. Most people also don’t bother learning the cultural and literary context in which much of it was written. And, most people refuse to read it critically; they read it in the manner they were taught as children or instructed by their clergy…that being to revere it as a divinely inspired text.

This is why you have otherwise sensible people who believe a man could build an enormous ship and sustain every land and air dwelling species on it for 40 days and nights using pre-Bronze Age technology. This is also why you have people who believe the book of Revelations describes current events, and read the “Left Behind” series as if they expect such nonsense to actually happen. And this is why you have people who are oblivious to the agendas of the Gospel authors and the Pauline epistles, and choose to use them as guidance for living their lives.

Answer #2

Not so much a matter of accepting the Bible, it’s a metter of accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior - so the most important question you must ask yourself in life: If I died in the next 10 minutes, do I know where I’ll spend eternity…hope you’re able to answer, Yes.

Answer #3

these are just my beliefs, so please don’t take any offence from them. “I’ve studied the Bible and while some of the stories are good morality tales and others are flat out outragest laws and claims, I still dont understand how people can devote there whole lifes to it. Christians say its the word of God yet we all seen to agree it was wrtten by man, So how do you know what was souppost to be God’s word and what may have been manipulated by the man writting or the many translations?”

Well, that is true, the Bible was written by men, but I think it's safe to say most Christians believe that God "inspired" men to write it, and there are many views as to how this was done, some say God gave them topics, and they just wrote what they thought, while others believe that God told them exactly what to say. Thus, since I believe God inspired them to write it, that is how I believe all of it is God's word.

“There some that say that every word of the bible is the word of God. to you dose this mean you beat your kids with rods and have nothing to do with your wifes and daughters during a period? What about killing any man with long hair?” Every word of the Bible is God’s word, but some laws from the Old Test. were changed in the New Test. So those laws you listed would fall under the changed category.(srry if that sounds offensive, it’s not meant to be)

“Others seem to say that some of it is litteral and some is figuritve. For those, how do youi know wich is wich?” I’m a little confused with this one, is it part of the laws question?

“We have seen how stories over the years can evolve into amasing stories that hardly accout what realy happened, isn’t it possable that that is what happen with many things in the bible? “ I guess anything’s possible, but I believe evrything in the Bible is there for a reason.

“For anyone that bases their faith in on the bible, How do you do that with no colaberation?”

    What exactly do you mean by, no collaboration, I'm not sure what's being asked here.
Answer #4

either the Bible as a whole, or as individual Bible stories. dont matter

Answer #5

jester_x: Amblessed is good at that.

Answer #6

ok I realize that that is a big part of christanity but the question is about the bible wich is what the christanity is based on so amblessed that dont answer the question

Answer #7

el_ricardo_777: Every word of the Bible is God’s word, but some laws from the Old Test. were changed in the New Test. So those laws you listed would fall under the changed category.(srry if that sounds offensive, it’s not meant to be)

So why even have the old tes. laws in the bible if they dont apply anymore?

I’m a little confused with this one, is it part of the laws question?

no im saying how do you know whats lit and whats figuritive. God created the worlsd in 7 days lit or fig. god made eve out of adams rid fig or lit. noha gathered all the animals into the ark fig or lit.. on and on how dose one know

What exactly do you mean by, no collaboration, I’m not sure what’s being asked here.

Theres no collaberation to the bible. In science there is collaberation to a fact. a show your work type thing.

Answer #8

It isn’t up to us to decide everyone’s faith.

Just as you are firm in your disbelief, others are firm in their belief. They are sitting there asking the same thing, “How can you NOT believe?”

It’s difficult for those of us who are not believers to understand, but not everything in life demands an answer. People have the right to follow their beliefs (or lack of) and all anyone else can do is tolerate it with patient acceptance.

Just my thought :-)

Answer #9

“So why even have the old tes. laws in the bible if they dont apply anymore?” Well, I think they kept them because they wanted to show how the hebrews lived during the Old Test.

“no im saying how do you know whats lit and whats figuritive. God created the world in 7 days lit or fig. god made eve out of adams rid fig or lit. noha gathered all the animals into the ark fig or lit.. on and on how dose one know” well, that is kinda tough to answer. Well, I’m pretty sure most of the Bible is taken as literal, but Jesus’ parables prob. figurative, but he explains them after he tells them, and people apply them to everyday life. Now, how to tell if it’s fig. or lit., I don’t really have an answer to that, because everyone prob. has a diff. point of view on the Bible, but I think knowing the difference is just something that is done, it’s just hard to explain. I mean, I’m just going to use myself as an example, once I became a Christian, I honestly, wasn’t following it, I started swearing in middle school, I hung out with all the bad people, I didn’t really read the Bible, and I only went to church because I had to, and to hang out with friends. But, as time went on, I’ve started taking it seriously, and I stopped swearing in 9th grade(not because it was against the Bible, and because it was bad, but just because I saw no point in it., swearing, to me, won’t get me anywhere in life) and I’ve been reading the Bible more often within the past couple years. So, I think being a Christian helps understand to the Bible. But someone can still understand it w/o being a Christian, but I’d assume It’d be easier if someone was a Christian.

“Theres no collaberation to the bible. In science there is collaberation to a fact. a show your work type thing.” hmm, show your work type thing, I’m still a tad confused, but I’ll try to give an answer. I think you’re possibly trying to say that there is not really any proof that backs up that the Bible is really what people believe it is, and the truth is, there isn’t. Thje only way to know if it’s real is by believing in it. Now do you mean collaboration of the Bible as a whole, or as individual Bible stories?

Answer #10

Simple brainwashing. I bet you $5 a lot of them don’t even know what they’re reading.

Answer #11

“a donkey really talked”


Answer #12

Honestly after reading the bible, I was inspired to write a warning label for it.

WARNING: This is a work of fiction. Do NOT take it literally.

CONTENT ADVISORY: Contains verses descriptive or advocating suicide, incest, bestiality, sadomasochism, sexual activity in a violent context, murder, morbid violence, use of drugs or alcohol, homosexuality, voyeurism, revenge, undermining of authority figures, lawlessness, and human rights violations and atrocities.

EXPOSURE WARNING: Exposure to contents for extended periods of time or during formative years in children may cause delusions, hallucinations, decreased cognitive and objective reasoning abilities, and, in extreme cases, pathological disorders, hatred, bigotry, and violence including, but not limited to fanaticism, murder, and genocide.

Answer #13

then why is there so many translation?

Answer #14

I honestly don’t believe that there anybody who believes every word of the bible is true.Some people just believe certain parts.If you befriend a christian and ask them for example do you believe that a donkey really talked.I would have to say they don’t really believe it. I don’t believe in the bible at all.I tried to but,it just didn’t make sense.I believe in bibical morals.But,as far as literally ,not at all.

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