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ohhh yeahhh!!! he will come to our school if we get a high enough score on something!!! our principle taught at his old school before he came to ours!!! did you know taylor graduated a year early! hes hot and hes got brains!!!
ohhh yeah I just remembered how bloody big his nose is lmaoo..still hot though :-D lol
yeahhh!!! he’s so hot I could bake freakin’ cookies on him. lol
yaha! He’s wayyy beta than robert! but his nose is weird
hes ok I suppose.. he looks a little like a bulldog ;)
eehhh… hes got nice thighs and all..lol but his face..not so much.. :/
hell yes he is lol I shall attempt to jump him at the new moon premier in london (if I have the chance lmao)
very muchmuch
No. Lol sorry.
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