What Does It Mean When Someone Tatoo's The Number 13 On Them?

Answer #1

it means they’re unlucky. lol.

Answer #2

it also could have something to do with gangs .

Answer #3

13 is supposedly and unlucky number, however its a really popular number thats used in the tattoo/punk/rockabilly and so on group. Alot of people actually consider 13 to be a lucky number. In the end though, its a fad, just like skulls are.

Answer #4

it could be there number for team as in sports? usually it means an unlucky number. its used a lot symbolizing punk/rock things. it could be multiple things usually only the person who has the tattoo can explain what it means to them.

Answer #5

they like that number i would presume

Answer #6

Lol. someone likes this answer? thats pretty cool. lol.

Answer #7

It’s also gang-affiliated. South Side Locos I believe.

Answer #8

It supposedly shows and affiliation with the Mexican Mafia. M is the 13th lette rin the English Alphabet.

Answer #9

Claiming south side or unluky or just for fun.

Answer #10

If you live in a location where there is a lot of gang activity, the number 13 is the sign of the MS-13 gand. The MS stand for Mara Salvatrucha and is one of the fastest and most vicious gangs in the USA right now. They perform excessive brutality and is the hired forces of of one of the drug lords in the mexican drug war just across the border from the US. If you so happen to tattoo the number 13 and display it in public in a MS13 gang area you are asking for big trouble since one of their rival gangs will think you are part of MS 13.

Answer #11

i think all dem wannabe cholos do dat n to me thats stupid n dumb!!

Answer #12

son of judas

Answer #13

way way before all these ethnic gangs which originated for the most part inside prisons.. There were motorcycle clubs… the 13th letter of the alphabet is m for m_urder, Ive even heard that it could also mean marijuana…

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