Answer #1

I think it depends in the person, but for the most part yes.

Answer #2

sometimes. i think it also depends on how badly you are burnt

Answer #3

Yes, for the most part.

Answer #4

it depends on the person, for example, when my best friend sunburns, it turns into a tan. but when i burn, it just peels away and there’s no tan

Answer #5


  • on your skin type,
  • on how badly you were burned and
  • on how much tan your skin had before the sunburn.

Use a good after-burn lotion to prevent burned skin from getting dry and peeling away.

Answer #6

I rarely use sunscreen, and the first time I sun during the year, I usually get a terrible burn that peels, but does turn tan. After the burn is gone, I don’t get bruned for the rest of the sunning season (unless it on spots that haven’t been exposed to sun yet) and instead get more and more tan.

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