Summer school please help. .

Ok so im in public high school 9th grade. I have an e [aka f] in science and history because im missing work. I handed in a bunch of work and took a big test on friday for history, so im thinking that will get me up to mabye a d. Also I have an unsatisfactory in health. . But in science the stupid teacher doesnt teach anything and doesnt care. He just assigns projects and tests. So if I raise both those e’s up to d’s, and mabye the you in health up, will I have to go to summer school? Also, my familys moving to florida as soon as we sell our house here. That ccould be before my school ends on june 17th. So if I dont raise one of those grades up, will I have to go to summer school? Or repeat the grade?! Thanks. .

Answer #1

As long as your over a 50% you don’t have to go too summer school… even if you have a >50% you don’t have to go…

If you fail (>50%) you don’t get the credit, so you have to re-take the course, but it’s completly up to you when to re-take it (although summer school is probably your best choice).

&& by failing the class you don’t have to repeat the grade… but if you fail enough times you may have to take a 5th year…

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