Why am I still getting bad grades after studying?

Hey all. I’ve been studying my a$$ off for the past 2 weeks. I read every single chapter, did every exercice there was to be done and even some random exercices from the internet (chemistry). I understood everything and was satisfied of my study, telling myself I’d get a pretty good grade. Guess what, I go on the exam and bad luck strucks me again. I look at something I’ve done, and I simply can’t figure it out. I do w/e I can, then 2 hours later after the examination I write the thing down and I do it. It always happens to me this way, I screw up on the exams. Anybody knows why does this happen ? Murphy’s law… Thank you

Answer #1

It sounds like you need a confidence boost. Some people perform badly on exams because they are under a lot of pressure and stressed out. On top of your other studying methods, I recommend another three things:

1-Make sure you have a had a good nights rest before the exam. You’ve slept well, eaten well and done anything possible to help you be one hundred percent alert and relaxed (ex.: exercise helps loads to reduce stress.)

2-Try double check as many answers as possible at the end of the exam. Stay until the time is up reviewing small errors. Answer the easy questions first, work on the harder questions near the end.

3-Make your own test at home while you are studying. This helps you to study and it helps you evaluate where your weaknesses are. Studying with a friend can also be a great way to have fun learning but make sure it’s someone who is serious about studying if not it can be fun but mostly it’s a waste of study time!

Don’t give up! You’re motivated, you’re a good student and you’re intelligent enough to ask for help :-) Just a wee bit more practice and I’m sure you’ll be awesome.

Answer #2

Is this your first year in college? If so, no worries. College does make some of us wonder if that 4.0 in high school wasn’t a mistake, but you’ll get better over time. Try to study more often instead of cramming everything into a full two-hour study session. Write sample questions on note cards and try to do them in your head several times a day - when you’re in the cafeteria, in the gym, watching TV, brushing your teeth, about to go to sleep, etc. You’ll feel like a nerd, but it takes a lot to succeed in college as science major. Find a way that’ll work for you.

Answer #3

I’m always in class, taking notes during the lectures. Afterwards, I memorize (I have a very good visual memory) laws and equations and of course I understand them before I actually learn them. Then I move on to the exercices : I try to understand how stuff works and I pretty much do. When I go on an exam, my brain still remembers everything but I’m not sure of my answer and of course after the exam I find my mistake. I’m beginning to think I’m dumb and that college just isn’t for me.

Answer #4

its okay ,dont fret !! things could have been much WORSE , believe me.

        Want to  try something DIFFERENT ???

just do the following RIGHT NOW ;

1–chant ‘hari om’(hari as in HURRY & om as in HOME without the ‘H’) do this repetedly & a point will come where you will feel like you just want to close your eyes ( in that case case do it).At this point increase the number of O in om like HARI OOOM & then —HARI OOOM— & so on.when you chant this VEDIC MANTRA then remain silent (no thinking!,fidgeting,moving,etc) for an amount of time taken to chant this one mantra.this looks very very simple but its effects are very very very large (even ALBERT EINSTEIN would not had imagine it !!!). this is called ‘CHUP SADHANA’ & I learned it from ‘param pujya ASARAMJI bapu’.—>”www.asharam.org “ also read JEEVAN RASAYAN a book from —“http://hariombooks.goog… “ tihs will help remove all weakness from you,believe me millions have obtained benefits from it ,literally.

note: women durimg their periods are not to chant OM but they can chant HARI

this I say to you on basis of teachings of ‘param pujya ASARAMJI bapu’

http://www.hariomgroup.net http://www.hariomgroup.org http://hariomgroup.googlepages.com/rishi_prasad

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