How to make my students interested in my class?

Answer #1

Make the class interesting rather than the standard standing at the front of the class monotone yawnfest. Get the class involved in discussions and activities. Make the projects fun and unique. I had a bio project in high school that had us create our own animals, what kind of habitat they would live in and even how and why they evolved into what they are. Have fun with it.

Answer #2

Be funny! And confident, and make things interesting, but be strict too so your students know not to goof off.

Answer #3

use of technology

Answer #4

Well not everyone is going to be “ interested” in your class, but you can certainly make it more fun for everyone. Movies, group activities, outside classes, and the occasional reward for answering questions out loud and doing well on tests are all things that made school more fun for me… And I dispised school haha. And the good thing about this is that it works for all ages of kids.

Answer #5

When I was in school, not college, but anyways some of the teachers wud ask the students wat wud make the class interesting, so I say ask the students and that may give u a better idea

Answer #6

When I was in school, not college, but anyways some of the teachers wud ask the students wat wud make the class interesting, so I say ask the students and that may give u a better idea

Answer #7

I only have limited teaching experience but one thing I’ve found is that students have a limited attention span. I would lecture for 10 minutes then put the top on my dryboard marker and tell an interesting story or observation about what I just lectured on. Then I’d lecture another 10 minutes then relate something interesting related to that.

Answer #8

I had this one teacher and she would tell us in the beginning of the class funny stories about things that happened to her over her weekend or every other day we had class. Which was great it’s like she got on our level. If there’s a task you have to do with the class, ask the class their opinion on how you could make it fun for them. Also have collaboration groups and let them pick out who is in their group so they can talk with their friends and get the work done. Put music on in the classroom when they are doing work, that was always fun.

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