What do you think is the best and worst state in the United States, and why?

Answer #1

I don’t live there but I’m guessing it’s like Australia. It has a mixture of good and bad in every state. But what do you mean by best and worst? Like safe and dangerous or fun and boring?

Answer #2

Tennessee is the best cuz its where I live and Im country:D And Florida is the worst cuz Idk I dont like it unless Im going to the beach!!!!!

Answer #3

just best and worst in opinion doesnt matter why you think it is best or worst.

Answer #4

New Jersey, Its where Jersey Shore is set, enough said

Answer #5

I think the best is state is New York because of the shopping & there is just so much to do there. The worst I think is Idaho because it seems boring (from what I’ve been told), although I’ve never been.

Answer #6

jersey shore is terrible

Answer #7

that’s what I’m saying lol

Answer #8

Ok then. I don’t really know ‘cause I don’t live there but I’m gonna say wherever the racist homophobic rednecks live for the worst and Nevada for the best ‘cause Vegas is there. :)

Answer #9

oh cmon i live in vegas. D;

Answer #10

I love NJ. All cause of that fuking show it gave us all italian’s & jersey a bad rep, non of that sht is true. .-.-.-.-.-.-.-. fuuuuuuuuuu mtv

Answer #11

utah. i’d say why but people would probably get on my ass cause it has to do with others religions. :p

Answer #12

Worst state i think its alaska because no one wants to live there because of the climate Best state California, because of all the attractions there, so ppl pay more to be in Cali than Alaska

Answer #13

whoops. *utah is the worst, cali is the best.

Answer #14

i love cali it is the best 4 me!

Answer #15

yay! :*)

Answer #16

I’d have to say worst state would be Mississippi. The state maintains as the fattest american state, which you can also consider unhealthy. A study found that over two thirds of Mississippi’s population is either overweight or obese. So yup…And best state…I’m not so sure. California, where I’ve lived the most, but then again what do I know?

Answer #17

I live in MS…. yeah we do have some fat people, however it isn’t as bad as you say. It’s actually 1/3 of the people here are obese… according to google. However, we also have things like southern hospitality (can’t find that anywhere), good food (apparently), history, and a lot of other things. I’m not saying MS is the best state…. however, we are far from the worst.

Answer #18

I live in MS…. yeah we do have some fat people, however it isn’t as bad as you say. It’s actually 1/3 of the people here are obese… according to google. However, we also have things like southern hospitality (can’t find that anywhere), good food (apparently), history, and a lot of other things. I’m not saying MS is the best state…. however, we are far from the worst.

Answer #19

Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.

Answer #20

haha… you didn’t, so no worries.

Answer #21

haha… you didn’t, so no worries.

Answer #22

Worst: washington DC (because of the people there) Best: all the other states (because of the people there)

OK, I admit, I’m being unfair towards the normal folks in DC. But you know what I mean. :-)

Answer #23

Worst state: California, i’ve never met anyone from cali that can be considered nice(i havnt met a lot though) Best state: SOUTHCAROLINA!!! Only cuz i live here but also because it is beautiful, the people are nice, the food is amazing and we a have a super rich history:)

Answer #24

florida is okay not the best though way to hot

Answer #25

:O biotch! :P

Answer #26

the best state is Texas because the accents are amazing!!

Answer #27

I disagree, I think California because they get so many storms and all that, and I think Alaska is the best because the water and air is really clean and clear :)

Answer #28


Answer #29

whats wrong with dc?

Answer #30

DC isn’t a state….

Answer #31

To me NY is the best, but I am biased. We have the best of everything. The greatest city in the world, great beaches (long island), beautiful country side (upstate). To me the worst is Texas, the state that spawned Dubya….

Answer #32

“Texas, the state that spawned Dubya….”

I thought that was Connecticut?

Answer #33

This is true, he was spawned in CT. I always forget that. But he was raised and indoctrinated in Texas….

Answer #34

Hey, Texas has great accents!

Answer #35

Thank you!

Answer #36

Best: South Carolina (never been there but sure like to =D) or Ohio =D <3 OH-IO!

Worst: Wisconsin (they have the worst winters so I kinda feel bad for them for that =P)

Answer #37

@jimahl: regardless… double plus good for your use of the word “spawn” in this instance

Answer #38

California also supplies half of the freakin world with food California is also scenically one of the most beautiful states in the union. Minus LA, I would rank California as the best.

Answer #39

Best State: My home state of Oregon! We have liberals, bigfoot, and the most beautiful scenery in the world!

Worst state: New Mexico. Billy the kid lived there, and an alien crash landed there, other than that. . . . nothing. A total $hit hole.

Answer #40

Alaska is beautiful.

Answer #41

Double plus good. LOL. Jimahl, you would like Austin -very liberal. Must be the salt water, most coastal towns are liberal. Connecticut, now there is a state we dont here from much eh? lol. I picked my home state of Oregon. Oh yeah, Jimahl, I am voting democrat until the VA finishes paying for my degree at least! I am voting for Obama!!! I have been poor too damn long! Starting to agree that trickle down aint trickling.

Answer #42

Not at all the worst…Minnesota’s are worse><

Answer #43

Touche lol =P

Answer #44

I agree with the southern hospitality part. Very nice, laid back people down there. They are probably over weight because everything down there is deep-fried. :)

Answer #45

Freefromself, I knew you were a liberal art heart… lol

Answer #46

i love that i totally get what your talking about lol but not all of them are so bad :) there are a few odd ones tho

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