What's your favourite Starbucks drink?

What is your favorite drink(s) to get at Starbucks.. I dont go often, but have gone recently and really like the Spiced Pumpkin Latte or the Mint Java Chip (whatever its called)…

Answer #1

I’ll have a grande upside down caramel machiatto, non fat :)

As for the political stuff, it’s been removed. If we’re talking coffe let’s stick to that & post something on politics in the political section.

Answer #2

I used to work at Starbucks, so I learned over time to customise my drinks, getting the right balance. My favourite drink is a tall, 2 pump caramel cream frappucino, with Java chips, lite ice (as in, extra runny), no whipped cream, and extra caramel drizzle.

Usually I write up the drink myself, because the poor till person has no idea what I’m on about.

Answer #3

I’m boring, hot chocolate (no whip)

Answer #4

Doubble Chocalatety Chip frappucino :)

Answer #5

the carmel frap with extra carmel and some time chocalate syrup with it

Answer #6

I love the caramel macchiato, the Java chip frappucino, and strawberries and creme frappucino.

Answer #7

caramel mocha frappuchino

Answer #8

vanilla bean frappucino :] that’s the only thing I’ve ever had I’ll order it in the middle of winter too :)

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