Does anybody have stabbing sternum pain/popping?

For several months I’ve been dealing with dull to intense pain in my sternum that sometimes (at its worst) spreads to my shoulder(s) and/or ribs. It will ache if I’ve been sitting for awhile and some mundane things like reaching for something r washing tables can lead to excruciating pain. I’ve done some searching online and I’ve found lots of people have he pain, but nobody seems to know what it is or any cures. Any help is appreciated, thanks!

Answer #1

It seems to me as though you may have a back problem. Do you slouch?

Answer #2

I try not to, but I know I have some lower spine issues from some heavy stuff a couple years ago, could they be related?

Answer #3

possibly i know i have a weak sternum and cant lay on my chest for very long, but some of your pain may be caused by some back problems if you can i recomand that you speak to a chiropractic around your area. they may know what you need but if you dont complete agree with them dont do it i dont completely agree with most of their prices. as for the popping i dont know about that

Answer #4

possibly i know i have a weak sternum and cant lay on my chest for very long, but some of your pain may be caused by some back problems if you can i recomand that you speak to a chiropractic around your area. they may know what you need but if you dont complete agree with them dont do it i dont completely agree with most of their prices. as for the popping i dont know about that

Answer #5

Yes. My boyfriend has had this same pain for a few months or so. It comes and goes. We think he acquired it due to a moonwalk/moonjump accident (silly, I know, especially considering that he’s 28). We were at a birthday party and my bf and his brother thought it would be fun to jump around on the inflatible (somewhat intoxicated). Somehow my boyfriend managed to do a cartwheel and land on his head and shoulder area (it looked/sounded like it hurt). He was sore from it the next day but he didn’t think much of it so he never went to the doctor. Every now and then he still complains that it hurts but he says it’s more in the manubrium area (the head of the sternum). He says it “pops” too! Probably not good…

Answer #6

Also i have had back problems such as muscles in my back getting caught in between my vertabrae, but that only caused shoulder pain i rarely get those pains anymore now its just a tense neck. In fact my whole body actually creeks and moans sometimes i wished that i could just get a artificial body or limbs like on ghost in a shell or automail from full metal alchemist. lol but that would be absurd. actually now that i think of it about it do you get the popping feeling while breathing and is it right the complete center of the chest cavity?

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