How do I srop getting all red and blushing when I sing on stage?

How can i learn to connect with the audience?

Answer #1

i meant stop

Answer #2

Similar to SlipKnot (the only band I know that’s interactive with the fans), before you start singing, try your best to get the crowd pumped. Like Corey does, ask them to help you sing a song, if they know the lyrics, they’ll try.

When you’re really used to singing on stage, start walking all over the stage or in the crowd with the people, as well as dancing with them to show you love the vibe and motivation they have been giving you.

You’ll be fine.

Answer #3

A good way to connect to them is try talking to them to show them you’re also there to have a good time while singing to them.

Answer #4

keep singing infront of your family and friends and start infront of small crouds and then just get comfortable…

Answer #5

you need alot of confidents, find things you like/love about yourself! make sure your comfterble with everything before you sing, and don’t work to hard at it, just go with the flow. and to connect with the audience, that’s all about confidence to, if you on a stage or wherever come closer to the audience, look around look at the people watching you…

Answer #6

imagine ..when you are at home in your own room singing..and having fun no one is there you are free how you sing a song ….just happy about you voice… when you sing on stage imagine the same thing… there is no one here iam all alone and sing just like i sang a song at home ..imagine no one is there only you and the mic….

Answer #7

Its really hard to do…I know from experience…

I have been told so many times that I can sing…but when put on the spot to sing i get all red & feel like my face is about to explode…my palms get all clammy & I just feel like this lump in my throat. If it happens when I just sing & someone is there listening then it is ok til i hear someone say wow that was beautiful & then i start to get all red & feel like my blood just went from normal to extra high…lol

try taking a few deep breaths…just close your eyes & feel the music in your heart & soul when you are ready then allow the lyrics & melodies flow right out of you! Its what works for me now a days!

when I used to perform on stage as a dancer or do plays I would try not to focus on the who is out there…but just smile & act like there was no one but me out there…

If you have to sing…make pretend you are singing to your best friends…smile at them and make them feel that those words have meanings for them by a quick wink or smile. Look straight into their eyes to make them feel special & they will see you are confidant!

hope this helps.

Answer #8

try looking or singing in the mirror more- and observe your face to see how you do

Answer #9

Public exposure is a way to have self confidence & make you stop blushing if you use to it many times.

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