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Is there any specific way you're supposed to take a pregnancy test?
My friend gave me one and it’s out of the box with no instructions. I have a general idea, but I don’t want to mess anything up. I’ve never done this before. :/
P!ss on it and wait for the results. Hopefully it’s not already used. P!ss on the littler side, it’s hard to say what sign it’ll give if it’s positive or negative, why inthe hell di she take it out of the box? You need a new one, talk to your parents.
Which is it? If it’s one of the cheaper ones, put 3 drops of urine. If it’s the other kind, you hold the pregnancy test under a stream of urine for 5 seconds.. If it’s not in the package, still, forget about it. Go to the 99 cent store and buy one
Youre obviouly not 20, you should put your fix your age.
I am there buddy :) I’m just slow and retarded lol. jk. Im not a whore, Im not a slut, I’ve just never been in this before. I live by myself. go to school on my own. Alll that good stuff.
Im not a whore either, I till know how to take a pregnancy test.
They say that it’s better to take one when you first wake up in the morning. It gives you full and clear directions on the box of how to use the pregnancy test, and what to do.
if you’re going to be rude to me… then leave me alone. I don’t need a smarta#$# commenting on my stuff being rude… especially now. So Leave me the heck alone, or be a little nicer.
it’s clear blue
Self-administered - follow directions, and do it in the morning with your 1st pee of the day. OR Go to Planned Parenthood for a test. Not only is it usually free (varies by location) but you have trained people on hand to help you and answer any questions you have.
You take it in the morning with your first pee, because then the hormones are the strongest. Basically to be blunt you just pee on a stick and wait for lines to appear. I have no idea whether it is one or two lines. Maybe you can ask your friend or search on the internet for the brand and it’s instructions?
Too ba her firend took it out of the box. It’s probably already been used, her friend probably doesn’t know you can only use it once, it scares me that these people are having sex and could potentially reproduce. Thanks for the “like”. :D
hey faggot, it’s still in the plastic. Just leave me alone and quit following me,
That was completely uncalled for. First off, there is no need to resort to immature name calling, and second…how exactly is she following you and not leaving you alone? She posted a comment on Taytay’s answer, she wasn’t bothering you.
You really don’t know what else has been said off of the board, so you could keep your mouth shut too. If you don’t know what’s going on, funmail me. Don’t be rude, because I can give it right back to you. The last thing I need is your drama. So, just funmail me, and we can talk about it!!!!
How exactly am I being rude? I’m not. You are the one calling users names, that is rude. Nothing I said there was rude. Also, I am allowed to put my two cents into any post that I want, this is a public post…meaning anyone can respond. I am not trying to be rude, I am just stating facts. Why do you want me to FunMail you for? To tell me off, or to talk crap about satanheadbangstometal? Sorry, but that just sounds like you are the one wanting to start drama. No, I don’t know everything that has been said between the two of you in private messages, but I do know that calling her a “faggot” was uncalled for. If you don’t like her, then ignore her…you don’t have to resort to immature name calling, and make whatever is going on between you two worse. There are better ways to handle things.
Drama drama dramaaa.
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