Why do people think emos are bad?

okay, a few months ago ( iwas just thinking back) I was in banff manitoba Canada, and my family was thre, and a bunch of teenagers were in a grop, and an emo walked by, he had a little tiny backpack, skinny jeans, makeup…and a girl and a guy from thta group, were like “ooohhh! LOOK you guys!! an EMO! OMG its an emo!!” I felt so bad for that emo guy…like he looked back at them, and they stopped talking. I felt so sorry for him… theres nothing I ca do now, but…I think its kinda weird, how pople say emos are bad…what do you think of this?

Answer #1

Tbh Emo’s Are Really Nice And They Actually Have The Guys To Dress A Different Way, Because They Don’t Want To Be Sheep :D I Think You Should Stop Bullying Them

They’re Really Awesome Just A Little Bit Misunderstood

Just Leave Them Alone

~ Beffy’Cakes

Answer #2

um I think emos arent bad people at all its depression , that makes them “ steal “ or stuff thats all.
like, serioustly, stop bullieing them ? we dont do anything to you . mind your own buisness, and we’ll mind ours . I feel so bad for that guy, that had nothing to do with anyone else but himself , if he wants to follow the emo trend ? HONESTLY PEOPLE , theres nothing wrong with that, its like gangsters dressing country ? it doesnt work .

Answer #3

it’s interesting that you feel bad for the guy. I’m not a huge fan of the emo thing. I think it’s kind of a lame way to be. -not enough to throw rocks at them or anything, but I think they’re weird, nonetheless. but if you don’t want to get made fun of, why act or look a certain way? it’s not like if people were making fun of them because he was poor, and had ratty clothes on. they weren’t making fun of him because he was handicapped. the kid deliberately dressed himself in a way that he knows people think is gay. then he wandered around, and sure enough, somebody called him out on it. I dunno…it’s hard for me to feel sorry for somebody when they do something like this on purpose. hehe, tell him to “conform” like the rest of the world, and he won’t get made fun of.

Answer #4

I think “emo” people are nice, however, once you really get to know them, you will find that they are theives… all the “emo’s” that I knew and used to hang around with always stole from someone weather it be a mall or someone they knew… and another thing, these people are ATTENTION GRABBERS… all they want is that little bit of attention, something that makes them different from the rest.. why else do you think they dress the way that they do… I mean yeah, no person should be judged for how they dress or anything, because maybe there is a story behind it, but I myself, do not like these people. but only because I know what they are like…who knows, maybe they aren’t all the same.

Answer #5

I think emos are nice fun to know and they are humanz like all of us so you talkin about them in a bad way iz not ganna help ok they stole they scremed at you they… … … but trust not all emos are like that they just want peolpe to understand ttthem more not make fun of them honestly I dont hate emoz I love them but the onley people I hate are the ones that talk about sum one without knowing them… thats all I can say

Answer #6

I think its horrible and stupid how people make fun of people by the way they dress and look on the outside almost everyone judges others, but it takes the real idiots to say it out loud and tease people they do this to make them feel better and bigger about themselves and its usually a faze, that will pass with age when they realise how stupid they were to bully other people for the way they look people who cop the abuse need to realise that what those stupid people think and say shouldnt matter, it shouldnt affect them, because there just people they dont know and they should never take it to heart …its a war of words that the idiots should never win

Answer #7

americanidiot, the problem with that is that you’re TRYING to be different. you’re TRYING to make yourself special compared to everybody else. -but you’re doing it by dressing in a very homosexual way. so what happens? people call you gay. apparently it’s water off a duck’s back for you, and that’s great. -but why intentionally dress in a way that you know will get you made fun of? they’re definitely women’s pants. you know what part of the store you bought those from…and it wasn’t the men’s. “if some losers want to make fun of people because they’re different thats their problem, they’re the losers” I’m not mocking because you’re different, everybody’s different. I’m mocking because you’re a crossdresser, and you look ridiculous. somebody had to call you out on it…might as well be me.


Answer #8

emo’s arent bad at all freeadvice those people you call “emos” that you hang with I think there posers no emo would steal anything I have hella emos friends none of em steal if they did I would know I know how its like to be bullied cause I am emo I have a ruff life im always ignored in school and everywhere esle and we are not attention grabbers people just notice us by the way we dress emos dont really wanna be notice some dude the emos who want to be notice are posers I hate hate posers trying to fit in…-_- well I feel really sorry for that guy I bet he is nice if I were the girl who saw him being teased I would actully go up to him and say ey just ignore them there jerks and think there better than you well there not… its just stupid…

Answer #9

the person above the person above, emos dress that way because thats how they want to dress I get s*it shouted at me in the streets and personnally I could care less I am who I want to be and if some losers want to make fun of people because they’re different thats their problem, they’re the losers

Answer #10
  • People Can’t Handle People Who Are Differnt.. Its Retaredd but its Life.. JustMe.
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