How many of you used to smoke Mary Jane?

Answer #1

Not me. My friend smokes it, quite frankly I find the smell unbearable. It smells like stale herbs, everything of his smells like it. I swear I suffocated in his car.

Answer #2

I do not on a regular basis.

Answer #3

Used to, I had/have a medical card.

Answer #4

I use to occasionally but I stopped. It’s not as glamorous as the media makes it out to be and not worth the money. I can care less if other people do it, it’s just not MY thing.

Answer #5

I used to smoke a LOT. (Hey, it was the sixties, man!) Now I think it’s kind of sad, pretty much like getting drunk.

Answer #6

Used to. Stopped it about 25 years ago.

Answer #7

There’s another kind of Mary Jane I used to smoke too, but I smoked her in a different kind of way. (wink wink)

Answer #8

Good one ;D

Answer #9

Thanks, she was a doll at 20 years old and still is at 48, just seen her the other day at wal-mart. Damb.

Answer #10

:P awesome :P

Answer #11

Mary Jane is her real name too. We talked about our current lives, how good things are ect, and never mentioned the old days, but I think we both had a slight gleem in our eye. Just something you have to chock up as a memory and not act on

Answer #12

I don’t even know what weed looks like, haha.

Answer #13

I see :D

lol, just like the Mary Jane In Spider Man Movie :D

Answer #14

I used to and still do now, occasionally though

Answer #15

When this question was asked 3 days ago id say, Yes i do, every damn day!

but some sh­it led to another and now i quit….. reason im wasting so much time on FA :P

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