small bottom

i have a butt with little fat on it … not completly flat but a little bit. if i start working out alot will i add mustle 2 the fat i have? or will i loose the little fat i have just so ican gain mustle after wards if i keep @ it? thnx.

Answer #1

I tried butt excersises and to be honest, they really didn’t work. The only way to get a bigger butt would be to gain weight, but even if you did, your butt would still look small in comparison with the rest of you. If you’re young, you’ll probably develop a bigger behind as you age, but you need to accept that you’ll never have that Beyonce body everybody wants. There are a lot of things I dislike about myself ( like my slightly broad shoulders and the dent in my hips), but I’m finally starting to accept myself more, which is a HUGE accomplishment for me. Besides, there are also a lot of things I do like about myself ( like my beautifully straight teeth and shapely legs). Doing excersises for the behind will not make it bigger, but it will make it firmer, more toned and probably flatter. You might notice a slight difference in shape, but don’t expect to go from looking like a board to having a J.lo figure. I can understand why you want to change so much, but excersises just don’t work well. What you can do though, is wear the right clothes, which makes more of a difference than you’d even imagine. Here are some tips:

  1. Wear light pants and a dark top, which will make your torso look slimmer and your lower half look fuller.
  2. Wear jeans with large pockets, that are far apart, which makes butt AND hips look bigger.
  3. Wear a longer shirt ( not baggy, but fitted that comes down to about the middle of your butt).
  4. There are a special kind of underwear you can get with padding, a lot of celebs wear them.
  5. Don’t wear jeans that are too tight, that will only exaggerate the flatness. Get a pair that fits properly.
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