Can I skip pills on birth control to induce a period?

Answer #1

I’m not sexually active so i dont care about the risk of pregnancy, I just want to skip my last two pills so my period comes today and ends before next weekend.

Answer #2

You generally should not use any medicament against prescription. I’m not a doctor, so I can’t tell you if anything bad may come off it. If you do that, you might not be protected from pregnancy next month. Or you might cause any hormonal distractions in your body.

You should RTFM if you want to be sure. Or ask a doctor. Or the person in the pharmacy.

Answer #3

Sorry RTFM is for read the foldedbox’ manual.

Answer #4

Yes you can. I have done it before. If you aren’t worried about pregnancy there shouldn’t be any problem.

Answer #5

You can throw your whole cycle out of wack. Why don’t you skip your period this month instead of making yourself get it earlier. Just skip the pills that make you get your period (they are usually a different colour, like red, than the rest) and start on the pills left over after those or your next box. Just don’t skip your period more than twice in a row. I skip my period if I’m on holiday or I have to swim a gala or something. :)

Answer #6

I already skipped once

Answer #7

Its still ok to skip. Just don’t skip more than twice.

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