why can't i sign into MSN?

when i go to sign into msn error code 80048051 comes up. its been like this for a few days. someone said to do this but it doesn’t work.

  1. Click Start, (My) Computer.
  2. Browse to the folder C:\Program Files\Windows Live\Messenger.
  3. Right-click the file msnmsgr.exe, and choose Properties.
  4. Switch to the Compatibility tab.
  5. Uncheck the checkbox at “Disable visual themes”.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Retry to sign in to Messenger.

what can i do?

Answer #1

may be net problem

Answer #2

whats your operating system?

Answer #3

wrong pass word? Connection problem restart computer/laptop google it if if doesnt work for many many hours :)

Answer #4

Have you tried contacting MSN for help? Here at FunAdvice, we respond to every technical support request personally. Maybe they do the same – I hope they do, since it’s their product. Contact them, poke around on their forums, and they should help you. Just like we would :D

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