Sick cat

My mom wants 2 put my 13 yr old cat 2 sleep b because she thinks he’s suffering. I think euthanasia is a sin and is wrong but she won’t listen what do I do?

Answer #1

My mother just had her cat put to sleep…the cat was suffering from something called FIP…for any of you that don’t know what it is, it’s incurable, it destroys all the internal organs and is very painful for a cat.

The cat would of died a very painful death…is it wrong to end his suffering? Or is it more humane to not let that beautiful little creature be in pain for the rest of it’s life?

Take the cat to the vet to find out what’s wrong first and then make the best decision for the cat…not you.

Answer #2

If your cat is suffering, the SIN would be not to end the suffering. Euthanasia is the greatest gift you can give to a suffering animal. Your mother is correct.

Answer #3

Yes it is wrong, but it’s also wrong to let your cat suffer. You have to realize that your cat isn’t going to live forever. I’ve had many pets put to sleep because of them being sick..I didn’t want to watch my pets suffer so I thought it was the right thing to do.

Answer #4

Do you know what euthanasia is?

It’s the humane way to end a suffering animal’s life. Would you really rather that your cat suffer and be in pain? Or have a shot and go to sleep forever?

Answer #5

It is NOT wrong to euthenize a suffering animal…in fact, it is the hardest responsibility we have concerning our pets…When we take them into our lives, give them love…and care for them…the unsaid responsibility is that when the time comes and their lives are full of pain, or have lost all quality…then it is our DUTY, as the ones who love them, to provide the dignity and relief they are in need of. I can honestly tell you, that I suffered far more guilt for NOT doing my duty, than I ever did for making the decision…as achingly hard as it was…

I know it hurts to lose a beloved pet…but your mom is right, and is providing that unsaid promise…I believe if you asked her, she’d tell that it’s hurting her, too…but as the grownup, this sad decision is in her hands…Go with her when the time comes…she might need your support.


Answer #6

I dont’ think you are understanding what Euthenasia even is. You need to bring your Cat to the Vet regardless and find out what is wrong with it. You may or may not even need to put your cat to sleep. Only the Vet can tell you if that is a good option or not.

There is nothing wrong with putting your cat to sleep - it’s the most humane thing to do seeing as how it let’s the pet go in peace and not be in pain. It’s the best thing you could possilby do for a dying pet who is in pain.

Answer #7

why not just take it to the vet and find out what is going on first, then make a choice.

Answer #8

If the Vet determines it is suffering and will get no better, especially considering its age - the most loving thing to do is not allow him to suffer:

Take care !!

Answer #9

It Isnt Fair On Your Cat If It Has 2 Suffer In Pain.With Out Being Nasty But Putting It Down Is The Best Thing For The Cat.Its Not Very Nice Thing But Its Life Unfortunatly

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