Can anyone show me how to do solving systems by substitution?

Answer #1




Answer #2

its pretty simle if ur talking about what im thinking about… u have 2 equations (im making these up,this one will be easy)

y=8x+2 x+12+4y=8

so u plug watevr why equals (subsituting) into where the y is in the other equation and it the y= isnt already given to u, u have to solve one of the equations to make y= first… so then its


and then u solve first u distribute the 4


and then combine like terms


minus 20 from both sides 33x=-12

then divide by 33… well its not as easy as i thot but u get my poin and that woul dbe half ur answer and then u would plug tht number back in one of the originl equations and u have ur x,y answer i hoped i helped

Answer #3

well first u solve for x uz there is no y so it would b 2x=5-y and then u divide by 2 to get x alone and it would be x=5/2-y/2 which is hard to solve but then u would plug that into the x’s in the other equation and solve

Answer #4

ouu im doing tht too in school…

Answer #5

yeaa….. my biggest threat of passing this class going on to senior year is not happening in my condition:/ im flunking i wont be able to go on either unless i being my well…. 45 up….

Answer #6

seriusly im in gr.8 and im learning this!

Answer #7

yeaa….. my biggest threat of passing this class going on to senior year is not happening in my condition:/ im flunking i wont be able to go on either unless i being my well…. 45 up….

Answer #8

sorry if that repeated. well i have a learning disability

Answer #9

learning math ain’t so easy for me my class has me and my friend (2 juniors) at least 4(sophmores and the rest well (freshmen)

Answer #10

ahhh i see … wel the letters X or wte represents the # u dont kno and if the letter ( X) is beside a number tht means u mutilply it ( EX: 3x= 12) SO tht X would mean 3 x __ = 12 so 3 times what equals 12….. 4! so 3 x 4 =12!!

Answer #11

ohhhh okie dokie then;) thx a bunchI have trouble also paying attention:/

Answer #12

or a hard way… lets say this was ur math problem…… this is an easy way to solve….

2x-8 + 7x+ 2 …

u would put all letters on one side… so u would put the 7x on the left side

2x-7x ( but if u switch a # to another side u need to make it the opposite of wat it is so in this case it turns into -7x but there is already a - ( minice) soooo.. u dont need to change it…. ak so now u put the 7x into the 8’s spot so the 8 goes into the 7’s spot making it

2x-7x = -8+2 ( see how u switch the 8 and it became negative since u switch it…but if it was already negative u would make it positive .. meaning u would remove the - )

so now u have this

2x-7x = -8+2

so u solve the left side first.. ( 2x-7x )

so what 2-7..? its -5 so thts one ans… now the other side…..

-8+2 ..? its -6 so thts means ur ans issss…

-5-6 and whats -5-6 tht is -11

and thts ur ans !!! or if u just need to simplify it it woudl just be -5=-6

Answer #13

Hmmm…. okie dokie then… i think i got it now. Im not the smartest kid around or even smarter then the average bear could handle

Answer #14

Did you make these two equations up or did they give it to you in class?

Because the second equation -8x + 8x = 28 does not make sense i.e. it is not possible to solve, because

-8x + 8x = 28 ends up being 0 = 28 and 0 cannot be 28

I will be using different equations to explain it to you: First thing before you start a maths question remember your basic rules, which are:

For normal maths: ^ (squared) comes first THEN X and / THEN

  • and - so if you do not know where to start, start with this

Secondly for equations: If a plus goes over the equal sign it becomes a minus and vice versa If something is multiplied on one side, you have to divide everything to get rid of it

Now let us start 1y +2x = 6 and 2x = 4 So start with the equation with only the one variable i.e. the second one and solve x 2x = 4 thus x = 2

Now substitute x into the other equation to get y

1y + 2(2) = 4 First do the X i.e. 1y + 4 = 4 Thus 1y = 0 Therefore y = 0/1 Therefore y = 0

Answer #15

find out what x is

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