Should I keep my daughter home from school?

Should I keep my daughter home from school if she is depressed ?

Answer #1

that depends on the level of her depression. I recall when I was in school, I had a number of “ demons” to face, my father did something ‘wrong’ and I had to carry that stigma around with me, plus the growing up part- and lets face it , the world today is much more complex than when we were younger. I totally shut out my family and fell into alcoholism to kill the pain I was feeling, depressed - yes , in need of someone to comfort and understand - yes, I was suicidal for a time, have the scars to look back on, but I found my way out of that and became a rather stable ( albeit, unique) individual. so using my experience to answer your question. what could have pulled me out of it? I desperately needed someone to love me, someone outside of my immediate family. would I have rebelled against an intrusion by my mother or siblings- probably. depression is a wicked thing to deal with- like a mine field , a psychological one at that. one wrong step and BOOM. how depressed is she? that is where you start, my personal ‘ tell’ was the cutting I was doing- watch for scars or fresh wounds. could be simply what the above people have described and I hope for your sake that it is just one of those ‘phase’ things. try being a friend as mentioned above, start verbalizing your own feelings on things, as a parent ‘leading by example is a good thing. maybe she will come around. I also agree that keeping her home might not be the answer. give her space but make an effort to share things more.

Answer #2

Well, on those days that my daughter has mental issues, I do like to keep her home to maybe show her more love, more security, just spend more time with her & for her to be able to trust & talk to me when & if she needs too. I do not want my daughter thinking when she has a problem (at an impressionale age) that it is not important. The way I look at it… if she is having problems, no matter what they may be, her ability to focus at school is a waste, it is also unfair to her class mates as well as her teacher. I was brought up to ignore the problems or that my problems are not important (just because I am a kid), now I am paying the price of that. I am very insecure, I do not trust people, I am unsure of a lot of things, I feel that I can not ask for help even when it is something like losing my home… A child only knows what they are taught & a product of their environment; I treat my daughter with the same respect as I would want from her, I am honest with her, truthful, thankful, & respectful. She is a human being just as an adult, children have problems too. If an adult can get time out for being over stressed or just needs a mental break, why can’t a child? BUT, I do not waste the day, we may sit down & go over some work at school she is having problems with or have a good conversation & I give her encouragement, self esteem, etc…

Answer #3

well kepping her home from school probly isnt the best ancer mabe for one day when ever you have a whole day to do nothing try to take her to a place that she like and out to eat just spend the who day with her and throught out the day try and get her to talk to her and tell her thing about when you were younger and try to bond a bit more most likly if she is depprested its probly school related or guy related and trust me as long as your not pushy or pounding her for ancers but being understang and intersted in her life she will open up to you it might not be right away but it will happon

Answer #4

maybe spending a day with her doing something she loves to help get her mind off depression and other hardships in life will help but to keep her at home might make her feel more depressed, trapped, or insecure. If you see her truly depressed just do something to lighten her day and maybe exuse her from homework for the night but if you make this constant then she might take advantage of that.

Answer #5

Keeping her away from school isn’t the best idea as she will miss out on education which could affect her life later on. If she is depressed because of something to do with the school, maybe you could talk to the headteacher about it.

Answer #6

No, but therapy never hurts. It worked for me.

Answer #7

dang, as hard as the answer is to read, joanna91 is totally right!!!

Answer #8

its the worst thing you can do she needs stability and you shouldnt change that mach around her some times its a phase if not I would seek medical help

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