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should I confront my parents about this
okay I’m gay but my parents don’t know this. mainly because I’m always flirting with girls in front of them. I was going to tell them one night but I over heard them talking about how being gay is disgusting so I went out. I’m currently dating this really nice dude I cant even bring home because of what they might do or say. I cant even tell my friends. I would love to be more open and show I care about him in public but I was never one for ignoring people. My older sister found out and she is of the understanding type. She never once said anything hurtful or even to the rents. she asked to meet the guy I said okay fine. she was very polite and never once said anything stupid like some not all straight people or family members. I guess I just hope the rest of my family would be just as understanding. Because Davis is a really nice person. He may be clumsy kind of a idiot at times. He may not be the academic type there for saying he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed. The only thing he doesn’t hurt him self at is doing soccer I know weird. He’s hot headed running into things with out thinking. He has anger issues but is never hurtful to people he cares about he doesn’t hold grudges. He’s always finding new ways to get him self in trouble I always end up helping him out. He always makes me smile and laugh even when I’m having a terrible day. Like one day I was walking in the park I was mad because my older sisters boy friend was treating her like a beer wench. Anyways me and Davis run into each other literally we were both listening to music not paying attention. Anyways he listened while I vented. then he said lets go this way it’s a short cut and I said wait don’t go that way. Then he tripped and fell down a hill landing in the lake I laughed. he isn’t the type to get mad over something like that. So he looked at me while I was laughing and he started laughing as well. I went to help him up and he pulled me in. We have so much fun together and were happy. I just want my parents to understand and not freak out. I would like them to meet Davis but I’m afraid dinner with the family might turn out like a sudden death match anyways I need help!
This has nothing to do with anything, but your story (about your boyfriend) made me smile :) Any how, now on to your parents. I know it sucks lying and such, but unless you’re sure your parents arent going to over react, I would think about this carefully. If you live at home, and they still support you, and you are counting on this financial support (I.e. you’d like them to pay for college), then I’d be very careful about the subject… Parents have been known to kick their kids out, so… On the other hand parents have been known to be very loving and supportive… But it is a risk… Are you ready (emotionally and financially) to deal with the worst possible scenario? Only you can decide what is worth it… Being in the closet is hard, and not healthy, but only you can weigh the potential costs, benefits and risks, and decide what you want to do…
first off what you need to relaase is that being gay doesnt make you any less human you have just as many rights as anyone else and you shouldnt feel embarrassed, ashamed or feel like you have to hide it humans are sexual beings weather its for the opposite sex, the same sex, both of them, ect point is majority of us are going to find love and have sex with someone we love and love doesnt discriminate because gender has nothing to do with love, love is about feelings your parebnts really should understand all this and if they loves you, they would either accept it happily or relauctently, but still accept it because they love you howevere for now after you telling us they said it was disgusting im not sure when the best time to tell them would be maybe you could try less subtle things like occasionally watch a movie with them with gay people in it “accidently” leave a gay mag in your room maybe invite a proud gay friend (male or female) over if you have one, ect so they can start a conversation about it if a conversation does start though, dont deny anything you have every right to be able to express your feelings and your love towards another person be proud of who you are and your sexuality and if they love you, theyll accept you
I think it really depends on your parents. I would ask your sister what to do because she would have a better idea how they would react. If you tell them, tell them without Davis first. You can invite him over for dinner after you know they are ok with the idea. Good luck
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