When is the shatter iPhone and iPod touch jailbreak coming out?

Answer #1

they are out already

Answer #2

Sorry, not actually answering your question, what exactly is “jailbreaking”? I do see the word a lot on here but never quite understood the terminology.

Answer #3

You break the protection on the iOS, letting you install just about anything you want on you iPod, iPhone, iPad. It takes away just about all the restrictions that Apple sets on their devices, and lets you use ALL the hardware to its full ability in your device. More info: http://funadvice.com/r/3ktij21qn6

Answer #4

As I understand it Sn0wbreeze 2.0.2 uses the SHAtter exploit. I read that this exploit is a tethered jailbreak if you have a new bootrom devices (your idevice needs to be plugged into your computer to boot whenever you need to reset or if you let your battery get too low and it shuts down). I also read that you need to have already jailbroke your phone with iOS 4.0 before you can jailbreak 4.1 with Shatter but I’m not sure about this.

I have a new bootrom 3gs running jailbroke 3.1.3. I’m waiting for an untethered jailbreak before upgrading iOS 4. They say that eventually an untethered jailbreak leveraged by SHAtter will be available

Answer #5

Like when is it going to work on ios 4.1 on an iphone 4

Answer #6

Thank you Torturdchaos. :-)

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