is there such thing as semi anorexia?

like i do eat but i skip every other day. or what do you call that?

Answer #1

no thats just plain out anerxic girls who are anerxic:

  1. eat only everyother day
  2. throw there food up after eating
  3. go long periods of time without food and going to the gym

its not a healthy life style and can affect your children if you ever get pregnaut resulting in misscarge, still born, or birth defects

Answer #2

I’m not sure if there is such a thing as semi-anorexia, but I do know its very unhealthy to skip eating every other day. Perhaps you could try going vegetarian every other day, that way you still get all the nutrients and whatnot that you need.

Answer #3

how about eating little each day? my mother throws up also and now she cant really control it..

Answer #4

its a horrible thing to be anerexic i dont recommend it at all i had a very close friend who use to try that and although it made her look good it has had horrible affects on her she has to take pills to keep food in her stomach instead of throwing it back up and she has to be at the doctors atleast once a week because her body stopped observing nutrients you can eat just eat healthyer its better hten bein in a hospital for teh rest of your life and can also lead to death

Answer #5

There also could be a medical problem, my mom just had this and we found out she had to get her gallbladder removed. She lost 30 lb during this time, she did not want to eat nor could she hold anything down.

Answer #6

I don’t believe that is called that, I just think that, that it’s the path to becoming anorexic. It is never healthy to skip meals, or eat little to loose weight. The best thing to do is to stay active and eat healthy, eating healthy does not mean eating a small amount, it means eating the right amount.

Answer #7

You think anorexics dont eat? Where did that ridiculous myth start from? People who dont eat die. Period. There’s no one on this earth who is alive who can go without eating. And anorexia is not defined by how much you eat or when you eat. It is defined by a refusal to maintain a normal body weight, and other symptoms. No one is diagnosing you with a mental disorder online. And who cares what it’s called anyways! You’ve obviously got problems. Go see a doctor.

Answer #8

Ya, just like half-heimers. Or semi-heimers

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