Is it okay to replace water with SoBe Lifewater or vitamin water?

Answer #1


Answer #2

No, both of those have so much sugar and other add in’s in them. Water is the best, but those two are certainly better then soda.

Answer #3

Of course not, nothing can replace water. Vitamin water and other products that advertise wellbeing are actually just flavoured sugar drinks with some vitamins chucked in so that they can sell to the market it’s aimed at. Yes, they have good things in them, but the bad things outweigh the good. They hay have ‘less than 100 calories a bottle’ but think about how much sugar and artificial flavouring you’re putting in your body!! Water is amazing, so clean, fresh, and what our whole planet is made of. Flavoured drinks are fine to drink as a treat but never replace water with anything.

Answer #4

If you are going to fall for advertising you may as well keep drinking coke….

at least you get something other than water mixed with a quarter tablet of multivitamin supplement (those you can buy in the pharmacy for 50 cents)

but hey if you got the money to spend on overrated BS be my guest (and donate some money to my cause while you’re at it :P )

Answer #5

If you take a look at the nutrition information on those products, there’s likely a maximum dosage, and it’s usually 2. You can’t “replace” water with anything, but you can get some of your fluids from other sources like vitamin water, real fruit juices, etc. Just make sure you’re drinking enough actual water and not replacing it all out.

Answer #6

I drink mainly water, tea, and coffee. When I want something sweet I usually put a packet of Crystal Light Pure in a glass or bottle of water. It doesn’t have sugar or artificial sweeteners. Vitaminwater Zero doesn’t have any sugar but would be rather expensive to drink like water and you could overdose on the vitamins it provides.

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