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Did you remember your dream when you wake up?
I almost never remember my dreams.
Always…and then I decide whether it needs to be remembered or not, and allow myself to forget anything that is not important.
I do, a lot. I love remembering my dreams, they are always so interesting and weird. Although if I fall back to sleep I will forget the first dream.
Always. It bugs me when I don’t know why I dreamed it ¬¬
i do remeber all my dreams. except the nonsense ones
Sometimes, sometimes not. And sometimes, something during the day reminds me about it, and I remember. :)
i always remember my dream when i first wake up but i usally forget it unless i write it down
I neary always remember my dreams, dont always like them though lol
Almost always I will, however if I even direct my attention to something else like check the time, I ALWAYS forget them.
Dreams carry symbols which usually have some significant meaning. Those symbols help clear up some of the things that bug me during the day- the ones I can’t figure out just like that. So, yes, I do remember them because most of the time I get an answer in them. Weird to some degree, yes.
Almost always, especially when I am stressed out.
I usually don’t remember my dreams.
yeah and the ones that i do remember, i usally end up thinking it really happened and act weird. like one time i had a dream that people only lied to me, so at school i didn’t trust anyone for a few hours. lol even if they answered a question right
nope i dont remember my dreams unless they are nightmares :(
sometimes i’ll remember my dream because sometimes it usually happens shortly after i wake up
Always…unfortunately. i have really horrible nightmares and honestly i thought for awhile there was something wrong with me. and i ALWAYS remember them and sometimes they haunt me for days, esp when parts of my dreams unfold during the day and i start having crazy de ja vus. honestly i kinda wish i wouldnt remember them :/
I tend to remember fragments, and almost never in colour either. I can sometimes remember whole dreams, but it also depends on how I wake up. If it’s a violent awakening I usually lose track of things, if I wake up by my own means I can sometimes make myself go back to sleep and continue it, which allows me to remember things a little better.
omg im the same way it sux so bad
yeah it really does. and everyones always like oh its normal but honestly you dont see anybody else spazz randomly during school because she sees something familiar at school from her dream. and than i get realllyy obsessed about certain dreams where my friends die and yeah :/
omg me too it scares me because i feel like its going to happen. everyone i know thinks its weird and freaks out when i see them die in my dreams cuz they come true all the time. man what i would give to have normal dreams
i almost always remember my dreams.
nikki, my best advice to you is to find someone that can help you interpret what they mean. If you know what they mean & why you are dreaming it then it will make more sense to you and not scare you off as it is clearly doing at this present time in your life.
I can try to help as best as I can if you would like to funmail it precisely as you remember it. For every detail has a meaning when you dream..a fear, a warning/sign, can be something with in you like a conflict between you & yourself(perhaps repressed memories one’s past life & de ja vu’s to prove that) :( I cant really be more specific bcz I dont really know what the dream/nightmare is about to be able to explain why you seem to be having those dreams/nightmares, but I am willing to try to help if you would like to try to find out why your dreams/nightmares are taunting you. It would take a bit of time & patience if you are serious about some of them. funmail me if you want to talk, ok?!♥
I sometimes remember my dreams/nightmares. I wish I remembered more…i could find out what the flying f*ck is up with me & being so restless perhaps by mini messages through my dreams & nightmares. :(
thanks temptress, but honestly i dont think my dreams have meanings. i dont wanna freak you out by telling you my dreams. i only tell my friends the dreams that are somewhat less horrible than the others and yet my won friends still get scared of me haha.
Yep, I usually can. Some nights I can’t remember what I dreamt about, but I can still recall parts of it.
its all good…but if you change ur mind you know how to find me ;P
If I do dream I always remember them because usually I wake myself up.
Keep a notebook and pen beside your bed. If you remember a dream, write it down as quickly as possible.
Dreams are your mind working through difficult problems – some you may be conscious of (the death of a pet, for example), but some are problems you may not even realize you are having (a close friend is acting differently toward you, but you don’t consciously realize it).
Because the “rational” part of your brain is asleep, the dream can use very irrational “symbols” in an attempt to work through the problem. Some of the symbols are more-or-less common to everyone’s dreams: For example, for almost everyone, dreaming about driving a car is almost always about that person’s ambitions or career.
A person who can capture the dreams might eventually be able to “interpret” those dreams – to attach meaning to the particular symbols, thus better understanding their inner self. But that job is not easy. Many times, it is impossible to find a logical interpretation of the dream. Other times, you might reflect on a dream for literally months until you discover the meaning.
When the true meaning is discovered, you will understand your true self much better. Best of luck.
I almost always do. The last dream I had was a bit romantic, and that’s something that is VERY rare.
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