How do you say no when you really want to say yes?

Answer #1

Think of the reasons why you wanna say no, then it should be easier to actually say it.

Answer #2

thats what i try to do, but then i end up thinking of why i want to say yes lol

Answer #3

LOL. That’s horrible :( Terribly sorry, but I have no idea what to tell you lol.

Answer #4

Think about “if someone else were me, would they be doing this?” That little conundrum should help you arrive at the willpower that is “no”

Answer #5

You just say Yes…or you could try writing down on a bit of card and keeping this in your pocket…and when the time comes and you feel the no over riding ya yes,shove the card in there face….they will get the message alright.

Answer #6

In these types of situations dont overthink about it. Just say no, the more you think less are the chances. It should come out like a hiccup, just dont think

Answer #7

use ur brain before using ur heart .. girls are always weak in front of emotions .. so u just have to think about it away from using ur feelings and heart … no one knows .. maybe u find that u should say yes

Answer #8

thanks everyone :) I will try to keep all this stuff in mind

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