rashes and Exsma

I ahve just grown out of my exsma but now seem to get it on my hands and neck again!!! any good tips to make it go away and keep it away?

Answer #1

that’s not true. You dont have it for life. I was born with it, and I got rid of it last year. I just have white pigment spots where the rash used to be. I had it literally EVERYWHERE. it was really bad. So it IS curable. Try using Snail Slime Gel. That helped loads with me. IIf you want to get rid of it bad enough, and really focus on yourself not having it, it wil dissapear. Trust me. And it’s not like your babies will have it, because no one in my family has ever had it. It’s just me. Good luck, I know how bad it is, but dont focus on it! xx

Answer #2

you do not grow out of it. once you have it you have it for life. AND, it is heredtary, so any offspring that you have WILL have it. there is no cure for it, just treatement. You are not alone; I have it too. It sucks and I hate it.

Answer #3

O wow, I have very severe exsma. It gets in the middle of my elbows. LIke on the other side. In the inside. It won’t go away. I have tried to use asadophylis, creams, lotion, and stuff from the doctror. You are not alone. It is embarasing cause all the time people ask me “ewww, what is that on your arm?” I need help too…

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