Why do i randomly chew on the inside of my mouth?

Answer #1

What is this thing you chew on? Sometimes I Just get the urge to bite on the inside of my cheek, how I got it don’t know but all of a sudden I just notice it, sometimes it just a thing that we have, we feel something so we start messing with it.

Answer #2

i chew on the bottom of like the inside of my lips ? lol

Answer #3

Its just a bad habit like biting your nails. I also chew the skin on the inside of my mouth, its definatly not the healthiest thing to be doing and it leaves scars, makes you bleed, and swells up….but its a habit that alot of people have. Unfortunatly there arent any things that you can put in there to make yourself stop like there is for biting your nails, you just have to notice when your doing it and convinve yourself to stop.

Answer #4

Yeah, nothing bad, just bad habbits… I just tried it myself, very addicting lol

Answer #5

lol hahaaaaa .

Answer #6


Answer #7

Bad habit. Try chewing gum, or sucking on candy

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