Random Rash on Neck?

around a week ago there was a small red blotch on my neck, I thought it was just dry so I put moisturizer on. It still stayd there then got a bit bigger. Yesterday it was really red, but my skin isnt dry! My neck is very smooth then theres some sort of rash on it. If I touch it, it itches. I put moisturizer on it around and hour ago because it felt a bit dry, and now it really itches, but I dont want to itch it. Im not using anything different hair product, or makeup wise. Its as long as 2 pinky fingers, and the width of it is a pinky finger. There is also a small spot on the other side of my neck forming.

What is it?!

Answer #1

no I havent. I am allergic to gold but I havent worn any. A lot of people at my school think I have a hickey though and its pissing me off!

Answer #2

Have you tried cortisone?

It could be an allergic reaction or sensitivity to just about anything.

A new shirt, different laundry detergent, etc…anything that might have come into contact with your skin could cause a reaction. Allergies can also develop. You might be starting to develop a sensitivity to some of your usual products.

Get some cortisone ointment and see if it helps. It might also help to keep track of everything that your neck comes in contact with.

If the problem persists or worsens, see your doctor.

Answer #3

did you have any metal on it cause you could have holly holly, it is a relly painful rash.

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