why do people think its okay to be racist?

why do people think its okay to be racist?

Answer #1

Because they believe that people are truly inferior to them in some way. I know it’s like a hard concept to get your head around, but that’s just what they truly believe.

Answer #2

I’ve been around very racist people before, and I just cant see how they find it okay to down talk others just because of skin color or where they are from!

Answer #3

they do? wow. -__- never heard of people who actually think that its okay to be racist. lol. you sure they were being racist? lol.

Answer #4

My dad’s side of the family are racists,including himself. I can’t stand it!! My father is so cruel to those who are not Caucasian. For an accurate answer,ask a true racist.

Answer #5

well. of course it’s not okay to be racist. mostly because people take it to the extreme. but everyone is racist to an extent just like ‘cant_buy_me_love’ said. people should still consider other’s feelings but I guess it keeps some people entertained. I think it’s okay so long as it’s just jokes and stuff. but to really be racist and not like a person just because of some trait they were born with is just not right. still it’s part of history. it’s a heavy burden but we’re just gonna have to deal with it…

Answer #6

A lot of the times they think, ‘’Well everybody else is’’ or they think that it’s basic human nature. It’s not. My parents and grandparents were racist and I grew up in a very racist town and I still don’t believe it’s okay. I believe that everybody is to a point but never once have I thought it was okay. I’m really curious to hear what other people think though. Maybe my views will change, who knows.

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