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Quotes poems...
So I have this notebook.. I write poems and qouts in it.. Does anyone know any good ones? iam not going to publish or anything I just like how some people express in quotes and poems .. Sayings are good too
“Never regret anything, because at one time it was exactly what you wanted.”
“If you love somebody, let them go, for if they return, they were always yours. And if they don’t, they never were.”
“To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.”
“Imagination is intelligence having fun.”
“I have not failed, I have just found a thousand ways which do not work.”
everybody knows that everybody goes to a better place. but now everbody knows that everybody could be livin’ their last day- Good Charlotte
this world will never bee what I excpected, and if I dont belong, who wouldve guessed it?- Three Days Grace
maybe we’ll turn it all around because its not too late, it never too late- Three Days Grace
noone will ever see the side reflected, and if theres something wrong, who wouldve guessed it?- Three Days Grace lol all are from songs
We see things not as they are, but as we are- Stephen Covey
Falling in love isn’t something people do when they feel ready. It happens to them. Ready or not, here comes love! - Andrew Matthews
I wanted to wear one glove because two gloves seemed so ordinary. One glove was cool. - Michael Jackson
I will write peace on your wings and you will fly all over the world - Sadako Sasaki
well, I read a gothic poem, dont know if youll like it but ill tell you it.”Roses are Red, Violets are Blue, My Rose is White, and it bleeds for you” like I said, its a gothic poem and I don’t know if youll like it, but I do so, here.
How did you write your quote like that - 1 Answers
How did you write your quote like that?
I want to leave a poem - 1 Answers
I want to leave a poem for people to , tell me what they think
What can I use in a summer poem? - 1 Answers
I am writting a summer poem and I need help on what exactly to write can you help?
Who's good with poetry that can help me with some poems? - 1 Answers
I need help with some poems is there anyone that can help me. Who knows how to write fixed form poems?
Independent/F*ck the world quotes. - 1 Answers
What are some good independent/F*ck the world quotes?
Ideas on a poem about who I am? - 2 Answers
My english homework is writing a poem (a longish one) about who I am I have no ideas .. Have you got any?
quotes from the adventures of huckleberry finn - 1 Answers
I'm looking for quotes from the adventures of huckleberry finn about all of the woman that affect huck in some way.
What are good quotes from poems or lyrics? - 5 Answers
I'm heading to bed, but ill be back on tomorrow. I've been obsessed with quotes/poems/song lyrics for as long as I can rememb...
What's your favorite poems by Emily Dickinson? - 1 Answers
What's your favorite poems by Emily Dickinson? If you read any of her poems, which one is your favorite?
Who's good with understanding the meaning of quotes? - 1 Answers
because i have some quotes but i dont understand what they mean can someone help me?
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