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Yes, if they were incapable of looking after themselves and needed care which we (the family) couldn’t provide then I would. It’s like when my Nan was put into hospital, if she had a chance of providing there was no way hourly visits each day by nurses could help, she would have needed 24 hour care. Sometimes you need to know about all the care they need and even though it is heartbreaking doing so, it’s sometimes the best thing for that person and take a weight of your shoulders knowing they’re always been cared for.
My dad told me to put him in a home if he ever starts wearing sandals and socks together. XD
Of course! If they needed 24 hour care that we couldn’t provide, there are some nice nursing homes that provide everything that person would need. Sure they might be expensive but you know they’ll be looked after.
I plan on checking myself in, when the time comes. Not to be mean; But I see the seniors still on the road driving 10mph in a 45mph zone. Or unable to properly care for themselves. Not all are at that point. Yet & still - When it gets that bad. I prefer not to burden anyone, but the nurses & caretakers. That’s what the homes are for. .
yes but i would check the nursing home out first. in ny there are some awesome nursing homes but some horrible ones too. i have done care taking and seen some seniors living in garbage so i dont find it bad at all to see them living in a nursing home, they get to socialize and be active.
yes but i would check the nursing home out first. in ny there are some awesome nursing homes but some horrible ones too. i have done care taking and seen some seniors living in garbage so i dont find it bad at all to see them living in a nursing home, they get to socialize and be active.
on the other ha my friend…. cut the BS! xD!! i it’s because you don’t want to take care of your grnadma, grandpa, mother, daughter, etc,etc. and you could do it yourself,but instead prefer to take them and forget them, your an A Ho…..
If they couldn’t physical take care of theirselves.
Well my parents told me ‘You better put us in a home kid when we can’t eat or wipe are own butts.” lol so i have to wait for time to pass.
No. I’ve had very close experience of one and I can tell you that all the stories you’ve heard about them are true.
No, I have been to enough of them to know that it might not be such a good idea. I would take an in home care service, but not a nursing home. It’s just the way that I feel about it.
Absolute last resort but that said you must ALWAYS do what is best in your Loved-One’s interest…very difficult but sometimes the necessary option.
Do you know how difficult the decision is? Most families work 5 days a weeks and that’s just rude of you to say they don’t care. You can’t exactly drop your jobs/education although most families would want to do that and care for them 24/7 because you need to provide for yourself. Putting them into care does NOT mean you’re forgetting about them I doubt anyone would be that careless about their family members. I did all I could to care for my Nan but that was hard while I had exams that month and both my parents were working. You’re just rude…seriously just rude.
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