How can I get my cats and puppy to get along?

I have 2 cats 1 5 years old and one 6 and iam getting a puppy what can I do so the will get along

Answer #1

Let them interact with each other but if you see it getting rough or negative separate them. It will take them time to get used to each other but they will. Some cats and dogs seem to have it innate in them to not get along with each other but for the most part cats and dogs are compatible and definitely capable of being good friends.

I have personal evidence of this in my dog and cat who are featured cuddling and sleeping together in many pictures I have. People say it’s best for them to be around each other from a young age but we didn’t get our cat until our dog was five and they have become BEST of friends (in fact our cat thinks he is a dog.)

Answer #2

my cat bopped by dog and the dog just stays clear now… lol

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