What would be a good way to promote my YouTube channel?

I can never get any attention on my videos even after uploading 100’s of videos and waiting several years :-(

Answer #1

Though I hate seeing it, it’s really a good way of promoting your channel. Posting comments on other people’s videos, preferably popular music videos, um you could post some of your videos as video responses on other people’s videos. Start an account on instagram, comment about your channel, start a tumblr talk/blog about your channel. Twitter is probably a top source to gain some feedback. Be team follow back, basically follow everyone who follows you, back. You could also ask for shoutouts from other youtubers etc, maybe they’ll like your stuff and help you out. Hope you get more subscribers soon.

Answer #2

the YT site also has a great playbook/tips for getting more subs. It’s located in the partner/creator place.

Also, do sub for subs. like Yvonne said. for example, I’ll sub to you if you sub to me.. yt.com/calderoh

Answer #3

Hey Adamm , post some here on Funadvice bud

Answer #4

Be interesting, witty and have informative yet highly stimulating videos that stand out from the norm in a devastatingly, knocks the hinges off the doors of perception way. good luck Jedi.

Answer #5

what is the name of your youtube channel? i can help you if you want…

Answer #6

Be wonderfully wonderfully wonderfully pretty, oh you know that I’d do anything (nothing) for you. We shouldn’t have each other to dinner methinks.

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