What is the process of IVF?

Are there certain requirements or an age you have to be within, Ive tried looking on the net but no luck.

Answer #1

Well, I think you already know that it involves taking the egg from the woman after they’ve had about 36 hours to mature with a drug given to her - simple recovery with a bit of pain. The eggs are then fertilized by having sperm injected directly into them - after a couple of days, the doctor will know if they are maturing. Then the fertilized eggs are transferred back to the woman. I don’t think there are any actual age requirements, but the doctors will retain the right to deny the procedure if they think you are too young or old. Other than that, the only real restriction is a clean bill of health.

Answer #2

on the nhs the woman must be between the ages of 23 and 39 andn have had infertility problems for at least three years or more. according to the NHS website: In 2006, the percentage of IVF cycles started that resulted in a live birth were:

•29% for women aged under 35 •26% for women aged 35-37 •17% for women aged 38-39 •11% for women aged 40-42 •5% for women aged 43-44 •less than 1% for women aged over 44

check this NHS website it tells you the steps they go through: http://funadvice.com/r/3kscl1mpbn

Answer #3

Isnt that for free IVF?

Answer #4

yeah….but on private i you can do it 18+ and the same steps apply to it.

Answer #5

awww thanks thats so helpful x

Answer #6

but i think the age depends on the private clinic im not 100% sure and its ok :) x

Answer #7

Colleen: most In Vitro Fertilizations involve prepared sperm and ova simply cultured together. ICSI or intracytoplasmic sperm injection is only done when necessary (generally few or poor sperm). While the number of birth defects is slightly higher in In Vitro births than In Vivo the number of birth defects from ICSI is significantly higher.

Most doctors will not consider IVF unless they know simpler methods can not work or unless several rounds of intrauterine insemination (IUI) and fertility medications have failed. Believe you me, women do not want to unnecessarily go through IVF! Women have to have daily shots take hormones that make them feel terrible for months and gain weight like a tick.

Luckily for us my daughter is one of the successes.

Answer #8


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