Which US President would you vote for and why?

Wich President would you vote 4 and why?

Answer #1

Oboma he seems nothing like george bush which is nice…hilary clinton kinda makes me think she is related to bush for some strange reason. I cant spell his name : C

Answer #2

I dont know why but everytime I ask someone that, they yell at me and tell me its private, lol.

Answer #3

hmmm im thinkin Hilary…but then Obama as well…I dunno though really… so either one would satisfy me…

Answer #4

And the rest I just dont want

Answer #5

I really like John McCain. His military experience and time as a POW in Vietnam, his ability to work with both parties, his knowledge of foreign affairs, his frankness with the media, and his understanding of tax cuts and government spending I feel all make him far more qualified to be president than anyone else.

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