President Bush: Great President or needs to leave?

Hey, Im just wondering what people of this FunAdvice think of this president’s job? How do you think he is doing? Should he have to leave office?

Answer #1

I can’t say I hate him, because what if another president would have been in his position.. They could have done worse than him. So I dont think he should leave.

Answer #2

Ratings more than twice that of Congress (11% to 31%) I just read - History will judge how well he did his job - God will judge how well he lived his life - to me, overall he’s doing a good job - there are those out there who are fully invested in full time hate/failure when it comes to anything he does - no one among us is perfect.

Answer #3

Okay, airnavigator, you cant possibly know whether Bush is doing a better job than Al Gore or John Kerry would have done, because neither of them have been President or had to deal with the same stuff.

Personally, as someone who lives outside of America, George Bush has been most entertaining - its quite something to see a world superpower be run by someone who more often than not comes across as “the village idiot”. Most of the world hasn’t agreed with a lot of the stuff he’s done - Iraq seemed to come out of nowhere, and now everyone’s all “I told you so” - but to his credit, he did not only manage to become President, but get re-elected, and he certainly will be remembered! Plus, the USA still seems to be ticking along, so it can’t all be bad, even if it could be better.

Answer #4

he should leave… he’s NOT a good president

Answer #5

While not a great president, it’s too late in the game for him to be replaced. I think he should be held accountable for what he’s done, though.

Answer #6

personaly i believe he needs to leave. In the declration it says if the goverment mis-uses their power they should be removed from office. He has basically killed hundreds of americans and thousands of iraquis… is that not bad enough without the hundreds of laws he’s broken.

Answer #7

I think he needs 2 leave but at the same time I dont care because im an anarchist

Answer #8

I think George W Bush is the worst president of my lifetime. An incompetent leader, an ruthless opportunist, an ideologue, and a war criminal.

Answer #9

god made the rivers god made the lakes god made george bush every1 makes mistakes

he needs to leave!

Answer #10

He needs to leave office. We need some one more responsible.

Answer #11

He needs to leave

Answer #12

He is a Great president with a truely rotten situation to deal with.

Answer #13

Overall I think that he has done a good job - much better than Al Gore or John Kerry, the men he ran against. Other than his big spending and not wielding the veto on the wasteful vote buying projects pushed by the Democrats (and his own Republicans in Congress), he has done a good job.

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