How do I tell my boyfriend I am pregnat

How do I tell my boyfriend I am pregnat

Answer #1

Um…your last question you wanted to know how to get your boyfriend to have sex with you, so how did you conceive, and whos the daddy?

Answer #2

Call your boyfriend up tell him you want to meet him somewhere, don’t do it over the phone. Its better telling him face to face. And when you see him, you just tell him. “I guess the condom broke, and now I’am pregnant” Or “Because we didn’t use a condom, and we knew we had a high risk, I’m pregnant now”

Don’t wait to long, or don’t try to keep it as a secret, and not tell him. He’s responsible for this so he needs to know. Hope I helped & Good luuck :)

Answer #3

I’ll send in a privet msg

Answer #4

girl just b like im pregnant and tell him how you know and everything duhhh

Answer #5

your 14, if you are pregnant, I think it will be a bit of a shock for him

Answer #6

wow… way to young to be having sex in the first place

Answer #7

call him , be like GUESS WHAT BUTTER CUP him:what? you made my egggO preggO

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