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Pregnant/Period or something wrong?
Hi I hope someone can give me some advice as little worried at mo despite trying not to. I was due on my period sat 7th march but no period so did a HPT on Fri 13th which showed up negative. I’ve never been late before apart from last summer when I was pregnant but sadly it turned out to be an ectopic pregnancy and I lost my right tube. I’ve been suffering with abdo pain, been emotional, tiredness, headaches, constipation and couple other things so rang midwife yday. I also told her about everything and also that I had teeny bit of blood that started sun night and she thought I may be pregnant and bleeding was implantation bleeding and that I may have done test too early and to redo it this friday. Today I’m bleeding more and its thin and a brighter red than yesterday and has been heavy I notice if I’m standing about. I know this next bit may sound so stupid and I’m questioning myself whether it is my period, whether its implantation bleeding if I am pregnant as suggested by midwife or if something wrong. I can’t go to my drs as shut but don’t know and feel stupid if I’m honest as I don’t want to waste anybody’s time either if it is just my period. I’m nearly 25 and don’t smoke, rarely ever drink and pretty healthy/vegetarian. If anyone can help I’d so appreciate it. Thanks. x
It may be that you are pregnant but ir you are not pregnant go by your doctor and get help.
I have a similar problem… I have a lot of pregnancy symptoms but I dont feel pregnant. im craving foods and peeing more etc but am not due on till a few more days, therfor cant take a test. its frustrating because I’ve been trying to get pregnant for nearly two years and really don’t wanna come on. what was the outcome when you seen the doctor? why am I craving, peeing, feeling tired, getting heartburn and have a swollen stomach? if im not pregnant what could it be?
Hey this is an older Q but.. I am going through the same thing right now what was your outcome if you don’t mind me asking?
Hi cant you call N.H.S Helpline they will tell you what 2 do, they are realy good and will answer just about anything to do with health.
They have trained nurses on the line, try not 2 worry, sometimes our body does some weird things that even doc’s dont know the answer 2.
Im sure every will be fine! Good Luck
I would take the test again before consulting a doctor. that way you wont look foolish or waste anyones time. = ] then again, your health should never feel like a waste of time to you or anyone. = ]
Thanks, I’ve got apt tomo with my gp now so hopefull all will be clearer then. Spent the day resting as much as I can. Just will be glad to know one way or another what is going on as only upsetting myself at mo. Just hope its not another ectopic preg or miscarriage as my first baby would have been due end of march. Oh well, only time will tell. Thanks again x
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