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Is it possible for someone to be pregnant, yet have their period late every time and the tests negative?
I’m sure it’s possible, but likely? No. Not at all. If you are worried i’d go into a doctor for a blood test, but honestly the chances are pretty much at 0.
Absolutely. Some women have actually gone their entire pregnancies without knowing, and I understand this is very difficult for some to believe - I was skeptical, myself, until it happened to a friend of mine.
She was still having her periods, she only gained about 10 pounds and had only a small belly to show (she figured it was weight gain). She felt a little nausea and the doctors did the urine test and it came up negative. I’m sure that if the doctor would have looked into it further and done a blood test, it would have come back positive, but he didn’t. I don’t know how it was that she couldn’t feel the baby moving around in there, but I guess it didn’t move too much. She went to the hospital one night with severe cramps and they found out she was in labour. She gave birth to a 5 lb baby girl. Unfortunately, the baby died at two months old … probably something that could have been prevented with proper prenatal care.
Sorry, I’m not trying to scare you here, just telling a story, really, but … truth be told, yes - it is possible, but these cases really are rare. If you’re concerned, keep pushing for the answers until you find out for certain.
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