Do you prefer fat, chubby people or slim people?

Me? i like fat people. I think they are cuta and much kinder than slim. Noramally slim people are mean or self centered. I too wanna be chubby or real fat.

Answer #1

Personalities do not depend on body type. Just because you’re thin, doesnt mean you’re self centered and just because you’re chubby doesn’t mean you’re a nice person. Body type is not a factor when I become friends with someone. I have friends that are skinny, obese, thick, curvy, chubby, athletic, and everything else in between. Making assumptions about a person’s personality based on their body type is shallow. It’s your loss though because you’ll end up missing opportunities to create genuine friendships regardless of appearance.

Answer #2

Variety is the spice of life so I like everyone unless they are an *##-&^%@

Answer #3

when it comes to friends i do not really car.but when it comes to dating i would rather date a slim person

Answer #4

The way they look doesn’t matter in their personality really.. It’s always good for your health to keep yourself fit. I don’t really look for ‘chubby’ or ‘skinny’ guys in a relationship. Well tbh, I’m sick of relationships but if I do date someone, I wouldnt look at their appearance. If they can make me feel at ease and I like them, then I’ll probably maybe hangout with him.

Answer #5

Since we live in a America overweight is seen as normal lifstyle but in other countries its pretty rare and considered unhealthy. So slim is mostly perferable…

Answer #6

I prefer either……they’re People like you or I ……..

Answer #7

i like girls who are not bone. with dudes it truly does not matter to me, skeleton and teddy bear lmao

Answer #8

I prefer chubby people when it comes to dating lol. That may seems shallow, but I’ll date anyone as long as they’re not d!cks. My boyfriend happens to be super stocky and muscular :} pretty damn perfect lol

Answer #9

and that is why you are the ultimate sweetheart! <3

Answer #10

It doesn’t matter what the person looks like. Who they are is what people should look at. We are born the way we are and how fat or thin we get is sometimes not controllable.

Answer #11

As thankyou! <3 ^.^

Answer #12

It doesn’t matter on looks for me, intelligence and the matter of being there. I’m average, losing myself to be slim, and I’m not a snobby person, not sure what people you talk too that are slim and have attitude, but everyone is different :l

Answer #13

Slim. It’s just what I prefer, but I love everyone. I have friends of all shapes and sizes. Personality is what counts. :)

Answer #14

It doesn’t matter to me, but I LOVE obese people. There’s so much more there to hug and love. Slim people are bony and eh. Too… pointy.

Answer #15

i to prefer slim coz they’re tooo attractive ‘

Answer #16


Answer #17

Slim but it doesn’t mean that i hate fat people there are oslo humain and they have felings but everyone has his own point of vue :)

Answer #18

i dated chubby dudes too but i do not like if they get too over weight because i worry about their health

Answer #19

Just in general? Or dating ?

Answer #20

all of them.

Answer #21

Its all about the personality but then again I like muscular guys but some have the ugliest personalities that’s wat makes them ugly is there personalitys but girls sometimes go too skinny. I’m not skinny well I don’t think I am I work out alot I do p90x and weights I don’t wanna be weak but I don’t wanna get riped I just wanna be in between I don’t really mind about my body? I love chubby ppl some of them are soo cute and some are freakking awesome and some just look soo sad well that’s how some look at my High school but I love being friends with everyone:) but I just don’t wanna be stronger than my boyfriend or the guy in the relationship cus that sucks:) I say slim and buff not to buff Ryan Reynolds buff yess;)

Answer #22

Everyone is okay.

Answer #23

to roam around with.

Answer #24

I DONT MEAN DATE. TO ROAM AROUND WITH. in my school what i have seen is fat people are cuter (70%) of the times

Answer #25

Everyone! Weight doesn’t matter to me in getting along with somebody.

Answer #26

then u wud love me…. feel free to funmail me :D

Answer #27

mee too hate girls hoo are skeleton thin. “eat some i dont. lik skinny hoes.”

Answer #28

mee too hate girls hoo are skeleton thin. “eat some. i dont lik skinny hoes.”

Answer #29

I’m more attracted to skinny guys, but personality is definitely not based on how skinny or fat a person is.

Answer #30

Skinny hoes? Really? You know, some people are just naturally super thin. You shouldn’t be so quick to judge.

Answer #31

i think he meant to write “who” lol if he truly meant hoes i would have gone on the defense too, i have weight problems and have dropped really low in size

Answer #32

oh wait yea he wrote hoes, im going blind lol come on little dude be nice

Answer #33

all people should be treated equally, but slim people are probably more attractive..

Answer #34

all people should be treated equally, but slim people are probably more attractive..

Answer #35

I completely disagree with what you said there. People’s body types have very little to do with whether they are mean or kind. I know many sweet skinny skinny girls and a few really nasty chubby ones and vise versa. I personally don’t have an over all preference for either but I am usually more attracted to slim guys and can do more with slim people than with chubby ones because usually people who have unhealthy body’s can’t have as much fun as healthy slim people because their body won’t allow them. But I like talking to them and getting to know chubby people just the same as slim people. They are all simply people.

Answer #36

What I don’t like are people who care about body weight so very much and are judgmental like that. It doesn’t matter what you look like on the outside only who you are on the inside.

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