Can you become possessed while doing black magic?

Answer #1

Only if you believe in possession. Your mind is a very interesting and powerful organ in your body and can make you feel that things which isn’t real is in fact real. So if you believe that you can become possessed then you will probably have symptoms of possession.

Answer #2

No. I don’t think so. You may go into some “trance”. A possession would be impossible, cuz that is cocidering being possessed by someone, and I just don’t think that is possible :) But as Irene Kruger say, if you believe it, you can experience something.

The mind is a very powerful thing to play with. In Black Magic there’s also sometimes hallucinogenic d(r)ugs involved, (mushrooms etc) and that just makes your mind wide open, if given the chance :)

Answer #3

(My answer will sound like a doctor’s diagnosis :P I’ve kinda studied this kind of thing so..yeah :P)

If you believe in it.

There are several side affects to doing black magick including addiction, bad karma and physical harm to yourself and yes, possession.

Some witches have been known to become ‘addicted’ to both black and white magick mainly because it’s such a powerful energy and source but in theory, addiction to black magick would be more harmful as it comes from wrong intention.

Bad karma can occur from preforming a spell that is targeted to harm someone else and can come in the form of actual injures toward the witch who cast the spell.

Possession is also a possibility, especially if you do a spell that is supposed to possess.

So… yeah :P

Answer #4

depending on what you use black magic for..

Answer #5

The Bible, however, makes no distinction between magic that is good and magic that is evil. In the Law given to Moses, God made his position quite clear. He said: “You must not practice magic.” (Leviticus 19:26) We also read: “There should not be found in you . . . a practicer of magic or anyone who looks for omens or a sorcerer, or one who binds others with a spell or anyone who consults a spirit medium.”—Deuteronomy 18:10, 11.

Many witches agree with the Bible on this point: Evil spirits do exist. In one essay a promoter of witchcraft warns: “The Shadows are out there: They exist, in the invisible world that parallels our own, living creatures. . . . The terms ‘Imp’, ‘Evil Spirit’ and ‘Demon’ are fairly accurate. They are very strong. . . . The most intelligent variety . . . are capable (if someone is helpful enough to open a doorway for them) of entering our world. . . . They can enter your body . . . , even asserting a degree of control over you. Yes, this is exactly like the old stories of Demon possession.”

In Bible times, demon possession afflicted people in various ways. Some of those affected were unable to speak, some were blind, some acted insane, and some possessed superhuman strength. (Matthew 9:32; 12:22; 17:15, 18; Mark 5:2-5; Luke 8:29; 9:42; 11:14; Acts 19:16) At times the agony was compounded when many demons gained possession of a person simultaneously. (Luke 8:2, 30) Surely, then, there is good reason why Jehovah warns people to stay away from witchcraft and other occult practices.

Answer #6

You shouldn’t do black magick, period! If you consider yourself a good Wiccan or Pagan, the Rede would prevent it. But you may be confusing black magick with regular magick. I don’t think that there is a risk of being possessed unless you are doing something Astral with white magick.

Answer #7

Black Magic should never be attempted because it could lead to some rather disturbing things. Possession could be a very likely thing to happen.

Answer #8

I commend you because your answers are very accurate.In addition, if I may say something,it would probably be good if you can shorter them,especially the first time you answer to someone,as Jesus did,in order to draw the listeners attention. Carry on, well done!

Answer #9

I commend you because your answers are very accurate.In addition, if I may say something,it would probably be good if you can shorter them,especially the first time you answer to someone,as Jesus did,in order to draw the listeners attention. Carry on, well done!

Answer #10

i meant fhis to Heidi

Answer #11

deuteronomy 18:10-11 we shall not perform/practice witchcraft, cast spells nor consult with the dead.

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