Which political party is messing up the most and why?

Answer #1

I don’t think one is doing better than the other, but I agree with all but one of the Liberal Democratic views.

Answer #2

They both have their problems. However, after President Obama was elected the crazies have pretty much taken over the Republican party. The GOP’s number one goal for the last 4 years was to undermine Obama’s presidency so they can regain power. What would you call someone who puts their own lust for power above the good of their nation? I’d call them traitors.

Answer #3

Take a look at the terrible numbers, Economy, Debt, Jobs, on and on…..doesn’t take a mental giant to see Failed Leadership…..4 yrs of not solving our problems, broken promises, casting constant Blame on others, displaying no faith in America at home and abroad, believes in leading from BEHIND ??, highest number ever on welfare, highest number ever on unemployment, came into a room with 1 Trillion of debt on the walls..did he clean it up ? NO, he coated the walls with 3 more Trillion and growing ! This election is easy: A return to a successful AMERICA or OBAMA…..

Answer #4

Republicans have been running our nation into the ground for most of the last 30 years and you blame Obama for not being able to turn us around in 4? Most of the $Trillion is due to the reckless tax cuts and the legacy costs of the war Bush 43 started. It is like Bush sat down at the most expensive 5 star restaurant in town, ordered one of everything for all his friends then when the bill came he said to hand it to Obama since it was his now.
When Obama took office we were on a precipice. Our banks, auto and airline industries on the brink of collapse. Letting Lehman Brothers collapse almost started a world-wide depression so it was obvious our government would have to step in to prevent other investment banks collapse. $trillions of American’s saving had been wiped out. Now our auto industry is alive and Bin Laden is dead. If Republicans were still in power our auto industry would be dead and Bin Laden would still be raising money and plotting to kill Americans. The choice is maddeningly slow progress solving America’s problems or adding more problems.

Answer #5

Very well explained. :p

Answer #6

@filletofspam. Finally someone gets it and @niky from what your saying I’m guessing you watch fox news?(:

Answer #7

We all have a right to our own opinion/views and you have every right to be wrong :-)

Answer #8

You have every right to be wrong yourself(:

Answer #9

You have every right to be wrong yourself(:

Answer #10

There is a saying, you have a right to have your own opinion but you don’t have a right to have your own facts. When large segments of our population believe things that are objectively false something fishy is going on. In this case it is Fox “News.” Murdock’s organ serves as a disinformation to serve narrow partisan interests.

Answer #11

I think Busch was totally wrong for sending our troops to iraq, that is the biggest screwup of all in my opinion.

Answer #12

‘Fox News’ is completely republican and seems to point out small flaws on Obama and other liberal politicians but neglects to mention the flaws in their OWN party plus other stories there twist to fit their own words and and thats 90% fact

Answer #13

Fox News does not serve the Republican party. Fox News is pulling the party so far to the right that they are helping it become unelectable. Both parties have been drifting to the right for decades. By today’s standard Reagan would be unacceptable to the GOP as too liberal and Nixon would be considered a Socialist (Communist? in many ways Nixon was to the left of both Clinton and Obama). The GOP’s move to the right partly reflects the changing sentiment of Americans but the rest of it is Fox News, the Tea Party movement and various fringe groups pulling it much harder to the right. President Obama was the first president in history who won the presidency in spite of loosing the white male vote. Currently Romney holds a commanding lead among white male Southerns and Mid-Westerners but is trailing among almost every other group.. Securing the white heartland vote used to be enough to guaranty the White House but as the US becomes more diverse the GOP will get further and further out of touch. Romney’s challenge is to pick up enough women, black and hispanic voters to win the White House and Fox News is not helping his cause.

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