Does the Political Party change it's platform based on the Presidents views if the President is well liked by the public?

Answer #1

of course. politicians will do anything to keep power. they do very little to help the public but have so much control over things that happen in the country. so if the president is popular then the party jumps on the band wagon to drag the country down to hell.

Answer #2

I mean it sort of seems a little risk to do so because they will most definitely lose actual members of their party in Congress but risk getting the electorate on their side. I’m not sure if it’s a win win deal here.

Answer #3

I think counterproductive would be a better word for it :)

Answer #4

the plat form of each party is decided by a commity at the national convention. the people who are selected to go are from the state and county exicitive commitys of that party. In your county there is both a Denocratic and a republican exicitive commity, you shoul be able to find them in your phone book. If I were your civic teacher I would make it an assingment for exera cridit for you to contact the commity chair and intervew them and report back to the class what you find. I see you have asked a lot of political questions, and I think you have a real interest in this, a lot of people do not know what is going on and don’t bother to do the work to find out, You could become governer or president if you are willing to find out how the system is sopose to work, how it does.

Answer #5

lol, I can’t become President – not natural born but I do have an interest in Politics. But thanks for the answer :)

Answer #6

All They Care About Is Being Reelected

Answer #7

lol… I wish this wasn’t true but it is…

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