How do you get acne off your chest?

How do you get acne off your chest?

Answer #1

Hi ilovemichael55,

Going to the doctor right away may not be necessary. Body acne occurs just as frequently as facial acne, and some over the counter treatments are very effective and should be tried out at least before going to the Doc.

There are a number of proven acne treatment ingredients, such as “benzoyl peroxide”, that tend to show up in a number of different acne medications, and these tried and true products are a good thing to look for as you shop. While you’re at the supermarket, check out some of the acne products for this ingredient.

Also, natural treatments have worked. Some vitamin supplements, such as vitamin A and vitamin B5, have shown real promise when it comes to treating both body acne and acne of the face.

Just remember, no two people are the same in how they react to the medications, so try a few things and find what works for you.

Good luck!

Answer #2

Externally applied antibiotics such as erythromycin, clindamycin or tetracycline aim to kill the bacteria that are harbored in the blocked follicles. Whilst topical use of antibiotics is equally as effective as oral, this method avoids possible side effects of stomach upset or drug interactions (e.g. it will not affect the oral contraceptive pill), but may prove awkward to apply over larger areas than just the face alone.

Tetracycline, here under the name Tetralysal, is a common antibiotic used to fight acne

Clindamycin and erythromycin are the two most common of this type of acne treatment. The efficacy of these products, which are clinically equivalent, lies in the reduction of the P. acnes bacteria on the skin’s surface and in the follicle. Although they are also naturally anti-inflammatory, they have no comedolytic effects, and thus do not help preexisting blemishes. Topical clindamycin is available in solution, gel, and lotion formulation; Topical erythromycin is available in cream, solution, gel, pledget and wipes. Topical erythromycin reduces lesions by 50%-60%. The addition of zinc to erythromycin ehances the effectiveness of the product, reducing blemishes even further.

If improvement with topical antibiotics starts to diminish, then the treatment should be temporarily discontinued. This will prevent a tolerance or resistance to the drug from developing.

Bottom line, hang in there, you will get past this! Sincere best wishes and good luck. Oh, by the way the site that helped me is:

Answer #3

Greetings, Contact your local doctor, you see, this isnt’ a question we can answer, some medicines for acne, are very strong and may hurt your skin. Only your doctor knows what’s best for you.

Answer #4

I have a 3 ingredient regimen for my facial acne- 1.) Glycolic Acid cleanser I can only buy from the plastic surgeons office. 2.) 10% benzoyl peroxide soap 3.) Original Sea Breeze Astringent (not the new sell-out one w/ salicylic acid). The Glycolic is expensive and you have to make office visits so you can just try one or both of the other 2. The 10% benzoyl peroxide soap is about $7.00 a bar at your local drugstore, and good luck finding the Original Sea Breeze, that salicylic acid is B.S. I have to avoid anything w/ glycerin, it clogs my pores. You may not have as bad skin as I but I hope you find what works for you!

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